Met my first goal....few reflections

When I restarted MFP in september, I set myself three goals.

Goal 1 - Lose 11 pounds to get weight I am now
Goal 2 - Lose 14 pounds
Goal 3 - Lose 14 pounds

When I started, I expected to meet my goal a lot faster mainly because I had been on other diets where I lost two - three pounds in a week. At times it has been so frustrating because I just wanted to see results so badly. Some weeks I was on the same weight and then suddenly gained two - three pounds even though I was eating the same foods. At these times, my mind kept saying 'Go back to low carb because this is not working for you'. I am so glad I didn't listen. What I now know is that losing slower is a lot better than losing fast and gaining it back. For the past year before MFP, I had been yoyoing back and forth and still wouldn't get to this weight.

For anyone who is not seeing fast results: DO NOT GIVE UP. If you are suddenly gaining, review your diary/portion sizes and start again.

One thing which I feel helps me is that I now mentally divide everything in half. For example when I started MFP, I would eat an amazing dessert which was about 300 calories. Now, I only eat half of it and leave the other for someone else or to have the next day. This seems like a small thing but it wasn't easy to do before.