Dads: would you let your son wear skinny jeans?

tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
I applaud this dad:


  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I am a mom but my hubby and I have agreed, hell no to those skinny jeans! It is not flattering on 99% of people and looks like they **** their pants majority of the time.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I'm not a dad but I let my son wear what he wants. I not big on appearances. I've always taught my children to be comfortable with themselves no matter what. If he is comfortable in skinny jeans then so be it. He's never thrown on a pair but if he one day decides to I'll have nothing against it.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    My rule is you can wear what you want when you start paying for it. My son likes roomy clothes (like me), so I don't think skinny jeans are going to be an issue.
  • I'm not a dad, I don't even have children, and I never will have children, but if I DID, I don't think I would ever really not allow them to wear something, as long as it's age-appropriate. Experimenting with clothes and fashion is important to me. People can express themselves through their clothes and you shouldn't stunt that. I mean, when I was a teenager, I wore all sorts of stupid clothes. My mom let me. I look back and cringe because it was baaaad. But at the time, that was what I wanted to wear and if my parents hadn't let me? I would've been pissed. And I probably wouldn't have grown to be the wonderfully dressed fashionista that I am today ;)

    But seriously, I don't see anything wrong with skinny jeans. I don't see anything wrong with dudes dressing up as ladies either, so my opinion might not be even slightly valid to certain people.
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    MY twin sons wear skinny jeans, but they dont have them hanging round their *kitten*! I kinda like them, to me they are certainly better dressed than the boys who wear baggy jeans whos underwear is showing.
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    As long as it covers his *kitten* and doesn't have an expletive scrawled across it, he can wear what he wants. I don't get censoring or limiting their fashion choices beyond this.

    Eventually, he'll either become secure enough in his own personality to not give two bleeps what people think, or he'll realize that he actually doesn't like walking around with saggy-diaper-chicken legs and find his own style, not succumb to peer pressure.

    Either way, if you make their choices for them (when they're old enough), then how will they learn to think for themselves?

    - mom of three boys
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My son is 17. I don't make a big habit of telling him what to wear. But he wouldn't be caught dead in skinny jeans.
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Fashion goes in a cycle generally:

    Loose fitted - > Tight fitted - > loose fitted -> Tight fitted

    Currently it is tight fitted clothing. However, when I was a teen I wore those ridiculously baggy pants, and I got crap from "older people" who thought I looked "ridiculous" (which I would agree with now to an extent).

    However obsessing over fashion, and if your children should buy into it, is pointless. Teens are going to be suckers for fashion trends, deal with it.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I applaud this dad:

    You do? A yeller and insulter for a father? Maybe the dad should focus on picking up the *kitten* in his home and make it look decent. Plus, look at the SIZE of that dad! Maybe he needs to whip his *kitten* into shape with some healthy food and a workout instead of yelling at his kid like that.

    The son should make his dad stand with his arms raised so he can see how out of shape he is and do something about it.
  • ghost2012
    Im a dad.... and HELLL NAHHH
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    My son wears skinny jeans but only because he is sixteen, six feet tall and has a 27 inch waist. He needs a boys waist size but a man's length. They look like regular jeans on him because he is so skinny. Would I allow them if they looked on him like most guys that wear them. Heck no!!!!
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    im not a DAD lol but if i was i would not let him IMO boys should not wear it
  • stewartcarden
    can be tight without being skinny jeans

    seems to be the in thing now and then

    certainly was when i was 18
  • ctj101502
    Not a dad, but nope. A family member got our oldest (he was 8) some and he looked ridiculous in them. BUT, I am okay with wranglers, different fit and not baggy so he wears those.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    My son is 7 and wears skinny jeans now because they are the only ones that fit his frame (he is skinny as a rake). They look like normal jeans on him.

    If he can't pull them up over his underwear, he will not be wearing them in my house, and hubby is 100% on board with that.
  • AmericanExpat
    AmericanExpat Posts: 158 Member
    I'm not a dad but I let my son wear what he wants. I not big on appearances. I've always taught my children to be comfortable with themselves no matter what. If he is comfortable in skinny jeans then so be it. He's never thrown on a pair but if he one day decides to I'll have nothing against it.

    I am not a parent but I 100% agree with this... people should wear what they are comfortable in. But I also live in Europe where all you see is skinny jeans and I certainly thought it was strange on guys before moving here.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    yhose are not skinny jeans
    skinny jeans are fine
    but they are supposed to be fitted around legs, not short and failing to reach waist
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    I have a daughter but I wouldn't her wear something inappropriate size wise. everything she wears is edited in the store and I don't buy her anything that could be questionable
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I never restricted my children in their clothes unless the item revealed too much...they have all grown up, and make awesome choices....I have awesome kids !!!!
  • jonmico
    jonmico Posts: 37 Member
    I'm not a dad, but I wore skinny jeans for a good three years. I was always told that out of the majority of the guys in my school that wore skinny jeans, I was the one that could wear them the best. And for the record, I wear a slim boot cut now . But when you wear them how the kid in that video was wearing them, that's just ridiculous. Gym shorts under skinny jeans? notsureifsrs. If you wear them like normal pants, a lot of guys (like myself) can pull them off. No pun intended.