Tabata training

Is 4 minutes of this really sufficient? I tried it once but I did not sweat, I dont feel them rolling down my body. I do feel very sticky though! Should I do 3 sets of tabata so that they add up to 12 minutes?


  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    id do multiple exercises. in crossfit we usually do 4 or 5 with a 1 minute rest/transition between sets...

    we do each exercise for one complete round (4minutes) such as: squats, pull ups, push ups, abmat situps, wall balls, deadlifts, knee to elbow, box jumps, kettlebell swings...

    if you aren't sweating or at least fatigued after the 1st four minutes you should up your intensity... even the super-athletes at the CF gym get their *kitten* kicked by tabata.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Last year when I did tabatas I did 4 sets of them. A warmup set with lighter movements, two all out sets (hello, burpees), and a finish set of whatever I could manage.