Do any other ladies experience this?



  • xFitnessFlirt
    Munchies? NAH! I have full out "tear through the pantry" food trips. Chips, followed by chocolate and washed down with a coke. Lord help me if I'm near a fast food joint.

    Bloating? Hell yes. I can see and FEEL (ladies you know what I'm talking about) the swelling of 'particular' areas of my anatomy.

    Mother Nature is a FREAKIN' Bee-ATCH.

    ....Oh yeah, add perimenopause on top of that. Sweetie, we are all in the same boat...That is why I did 90 minutes of cardio on my supposed day of (takes a swill of coke)....

    It's part of life. A majority of us deal with it regularly and the blessed few don't know what we are talking about (LOATHE).

    lol totally know how u feel, i just try to eat my cravings in moderation, which very very HARD lol, lets just hope this bloat goes away.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I crave salt really bad. But I try really hard not to eat anything salty because it just makes the cramps and such worse for me.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Lots of protein sorts it out.

    I get this all the time because i am breastfeeding.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I crave really weird stuff that I don't usually like to eat.

    Like tahini and white chocolate.

    Wtf hormones?
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member

    Like tahini and white chocolate.


    Not together, I hope!!! :frown:
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    You know when you get your monthly gift and you want to just eat everything in sight and its so hard not to because you have a terrible case of the munchies? please tell me I'm not the only one that gets like this lol. I don't know how to avoid it how do you do it?

    also anybody else get extremely bloated while on their menstrual cycle? I do, and i hate it makes me feel so fat, whats the best way to keep the bloat down? thanks! sorry if this is too much info lol.

    You can mitigate against the entire hormonal fluctuation/ PMS thing with targeted healthy eating throughout the month. Aim to keep your blood sugar levels stable, plenty of fibre to sweep waste hormones out of the body, long chain omega-3s from oily fish for hormone production, anti inflammatory effects and mental wellbeing, foods rich in a raft of micronutrients from magnesium to zinc to B complex vitamins to vitamin D. Limit or avoid sugar, white/ refined carbs, caffeine, alcohol, higher intakes of omega-6 fats.

    If you want chocolate go for it - cocoa is super rich in many minerals. Just choose low sugar high cocoa options, not sugary milky rubbish which puts the body into a state of stress. Salt cravings can be sign of magnesium or potassium deficiencies/ imbalances, they rarely mean you need more sodium. Some people find it helpful to realise they are self medicating feeding carb cravings with junk food, no different to how many people with mental health problems self medicate via drug or alcohol abuse.

    Thank you for the information. Very helpful.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I never understood why it's considered a "monthly gift". Because I kind of want to shoot that gift giver in the face.
  • SHHitsKaty
    Definitely deal with both of these. No matter what I eat, I'm still hungry and I bloat SO bad. The couple days right before I start my period I look like I could be pregnant, lol. I seriously pack on anywhere from 5-8lbs before I start my period.
  • RubyWishes
    nope. nobody else. ever. just you...

    .......stuffs cookie in face........

    best comment ever :P
  • RavenLoonatic
    I get this way every month. About two weeks before, my breasts swell and I'll gain 1-3 pounds. A weeks before I get moody and bloated and pack on an additional 2-5 pounds on top of the 1-3 I already gained from swollen breasts. I don't eat more, but I do tend to want to eat more unhealthy things. I feel that way about food from two weeks before until the day I start. Once I start, well maybe the day after, I am no longer bloated, my breasts tenderness and swelling goes away and I am more thirsty than hungry.

    I have only been this way for about two years. After my youngest son was born, I had an IUD placed for birth control and menstrual management. After it came out, all these symptoms started.

    I have two children. I heard PMS get worse after each child. AGREED. I only had slight moodiness and tender breasts after my first child. Now, the symptoms are crippling at times.
  • xFitnessFlirt
    I get this way every month. About two weeks before, my breasts swell and I'll gain 1-3 pounds. A weeks before I get moody and bloated and pack on an additional 2-5 pounds on top of the 1-3 I already gained from swollen breasts. I don't eat more, but I do tend to want to eat more unhealthy things. I feel that way about food from two weeks before until the day I start. Once I start, well maybe the day after, I am no longer bloated, my breasts tenderness and swelling goes away and I am more thirsty than hungry.

    I have only been this way for about two years. After my youngest son was born, I had an IUD placed for birth control and menstrual management. After it came out, all these symptoms started.

    I have two children. I heard PMS get worse after each child. AGREED. I only had slight moodiness and tender breasts after my first child. Now, the symptoms are crippling at times.

    i'm sorry to hear about your pms getting worst. being a woman does suck at times lol
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    There's nothing you can do about that stuff, but it's completely normal. Fortunately (for me), I don't go through any of that. I have absolutely no PMS symptoms or cravings. Sorry you have to!
  • sblake204
    sblake204 Posts: 458 Member
    I must be on mine Errday bc I'm always

    Bloating will eventually pass, try a midol or pamprin to help. I also hear sit ups are good for decreasing cramps
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    oh my god, i get it terribly about a week before its due...i get super bloated, and want to eat everything bad in sight. I try not to. I usually give in a bit but once in a while, I just dont care and pig right out. I get so bloated, it feels as though I've gained 10 pounds overnight, although I know i didnt... I drink lots of water and sometimes take a herbal diuretic to help with the bloating. My bloating usually goes down a day or 2 before it actually starts. BC has semi-controlled some symptoms, but not the cravings and bloating! Ugh, sometimes it sucks being a woman!!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Your body really does need some extra nourishment on those days. It is expending quite a bit of energy to make the whole menstruation thing happen, and you lose a lot of iron as you bleed which makes you feel tired. Just like when you're ill, you have to eat to get healthy again. You do need some extra calories on your heavy days, it's not to be treated like just any other ordinary day. It's good to add in some snacks Just think about what those snacks are and choose wisely.

    I find that a handful of almonds and a glass of milk will help me get from breakfast to lunch without going crazy.

    Actually menstruation itself is a passive process. The weeks leading up to your period is when your body is actually working harder to build your uterine lining up. Then if you're not pregnant your body lets that lining go.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I have not heard of these symptoms during menstruation. Please see your doctor.

    Well now you have, loads of women have reported the same on this very thread so I think you can place it in the 'quite common' pile.
  • xFitnessFlirt
    oh my god, i get it terribly about a week before its due...i get super bloated, and want to eat everything bad in sight. I try not to. I usually give in a bit but once in a while, I just dont care and pig right out. I get so bloated, it feels as though I've gained 10 pounds overnight, although I know i didnt... I drink lots of water and sometimes take a herbal diuretic to help with the bloating. My bloating usually goes down a day or 2 before it actually starts. BC has semi-controlled some symptoms, but not the cravings and bloating! Ugh, sometimes it sucks being a woman!!!!

    I know BC does everything else but control cravings and bloats, it does suck being a woman! lol