Be Honest! How many big losers lost lots w/o exercise?

I'm guessing that the number is going to be very low, and don't get me wrong, I'm a total exercise-advocate for health, strength, endurance, and confidence reasons BUT:

I'm having a very hard time this week getting myself to do anything. And when I say anything I mean, ANYTHING---I don't feel like talking to anyone, getting out of bed, cooking, cleaning, going to work, and least of all, exercising.

I'm due for my TOM in a week and just got back from my aunt's funeral this weekend so I'm pretty sure I'm just in a temporary funk. But I'm feeling really guilty for not exercising and afraid that I'm not going to lose this week. I did end up doing maintenance-level calories Sun-Tues because of traveling and the way my body was reacting to the stress of the weekend (all kinds of tummy troubles.) So I'm only really hoping to lose 1 lb this week instead of 2. I'm back in gear today as far as the eating part goes, and plan to stay that way.

I guess I'm just looking for a little re-assurance that the food plan will work if I can't get myself out of this funk right away. I am going to try to at least do 10 minutes until I can psych myself up to get out and do my full 40. Going from doing 40 minutes daily to nothing probably isn't helping my mood at all either. :frown:


  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Stay within your base caloric guidline and keep that sodium under control you should do well. :flowerforyou:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    If you don't lose this week but don't gain will it be the end of the world? I find myself racing some imaginary person to the finish line....and I wonder why I'm racing...slow & steady wins the race right? Your in a funk this week, cut yourself a break! As long as the scale is not shooting up I think you should do what you can to get out of the funk but if it takes time don't beat yourself up. You can lose without exercise. A girl in our group has had a cast on her foot for 8 weeks...took it off today and has lost 4lbs...the weight didn't fly off but it came off.
    Best of luck to you!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I havent exercised in a long time and i have lost weight .... i had a broken foot from Jan 1st until today when the cast came off ..... so i am proof that you can lose weight without exercise ........GOOD LUCK TO YOU and hopefully you can get out of your funk soon
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    OK I will have to admit that I do not excercise (I am active with regular housework ect) I manage to do WWI fit once in a blue moon. I have consistant lost about one pound a week (I have hit a wall and been stuck a few times) I have my Cals set at 1430 and I stay true to it ( on the days that I rarely go over its only by 100 or 200 ) It seems to work for me. I would not stress to much about missing a bit of exercise. In fact its good to change things around every so often :bigsmile:
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    I haven't exercised for a long time. Other than my job, I don't do any. I have one day a week where I eat whatever I want and the rest of the week I stay within my calorie goal and lose .7-1 pound a week consistantly. (besides this past month where I went on a hiatus and gained and lost he same 6 pounds) Better now!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I am terrible about exercising. If I don't excercise at all I will lose one half to one pound per week. If I get out and walk five times in a week it seems like I can lose two pounds that week. One would think that alone would be great incentive but not so much. I am just lazy that way.......
  • ellipse22
    I lost 45lbs (first time around) with no exercise other than some walking.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I lost almost 40 lbs (lost 20 before MFP) without exercsing just walking and half the time I dont even do that. Its all about your food intake, if you eat healthy and dont go over on calories you will lose weight.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    Phew! I feel better. At least I feel like I have some hope of seeing something, anything good on the scale this week.

    I know that I tend to go through bouts of depression when confronted with unexpected stress and that exercise is the cheapest way to combat that so I'm going to try to get back at it, slowly but surely, and at least not feel guilty in the meantime.
  • nlc1224
    Good question!!! I wondered that, too. With the "normal and real" people of the world. I exercise (walk) when I can, but a lot of times life just doesn't allow it. I did start to put on some music and just march around the house, fold laundry, put dishes at least do SOMETHING for 15-20 minutes. Like I least it is something. Good luck! You are doing great.:flowerforyou:
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    Good question!!! I wondered that, too. With the "normal and real" people of the world. I exercise (walk) when I can, but a lot of times life just doesn't allow it. I did start to put on some music and just march around the house, fold laundry, put dishes at least do SOMETHING for 15-20 minutes. Like I least it is something. Good luck! You are doing great.:flowerforyou:

    Another reason that I always wonder about how plausible losing large amounts of weight without much exercise is is because this fall I plan on going back to school, hopefully full-time, but cannot afford to cut my income by much so I'll still need to be working 30+ hours a week somehow. So when you figure in work, school, study time plus managing a household (cooking, cleaning, etc.) I just wonder how well exercise is going to fit into my lifestyle then.

    I know some people do it, and maybe as I get thinner I'll be more energetic but I've always been a pretty low-energy, homebody kind of person. I'm guessing I'm going to be pretty zapped doing that kind of schedule. We'll see though :) .
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If you don't lose this week but don't gain will it be the end of the world? I find myself racing some imaginary person to the finish line....and I wonder why I'm racing...slow & steady wins the race right? Your in a funk this week, cut yourself a break! As long as the scale is not shooting up I think you should do what you can to get out of the funk but if it takes time don't beat yourself up. You can lose without exercise. A girl in our group has had a cast on her foot for 8 weeks...took it off today and has lost 4lbs...the weight didn't fly off but it came off.
    Best of luck to you!

    This is such a great post you shared above, I'm glad you shared as it helped me to realize I to have been running an imaginary race as well :) Thank you for making me aware:flowerforyou:

    To the original poster, I can't imagine saying it better, eat healthy, plenty of water and even that can bring about the end of a 'funk', though you lost a loved one so I might call that grieving rather than merely a funk.

    Best to you!:drinker: :heart:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I would add though that excercise does bring about many many benefits besides losing weight. It increases metabolism, builds self-esteem, gives us those wonderful endorphines to keep us out of those funks and day to day blahs.

    It often helps us keep on a healthy eating track, we can sure lose weight with no excercise but the benefits are pretty awesome when you add the two together!:drinker: Losing weight WITH excercise tones us up, we have far less skin to hang on our bodies by adding excercise for anyone losing 20 lbs and up that might be something to think on. But I do understand...

    I started without but completely changed my eating lifestyle & did that for a year, then gained back some esteem and began going to the gym. It changed my life, I met others that were health conscious and it was the right thing for me.

    We all make changes in the best ways we can absolutely no reason to beat up on ourselves, we do it at our pace (and was shared, we're not racing anyone to the finish line, we are doing this for US!), we do what we can to make changes and we see results.:happy:

    All the best:heart::flowerforyou:
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    I have lost almost 50 lbs over the past year. There were ,months where I was really disciplined about exercise and times where I really took an exercise holiday, just cause I was having a really tired or busy week.. I found that I was more successful in losing weight when I dedicated myself to the exercise, but on the "off " weeks, I either lost a little or maintained.

    I found that when I took time off cause I really needed it and didn't let myself feel like it was "cheating' or going off the program, I was refreshed and anxious to get back at it with renewed commitment.

    Others have lost more weight or lost weight faster, but as much as I would like to see instant results, sometimes you just have to accept the weeks you are going to be in a holding pattern. The one thing that I really try and keep in mind is that if this is going to work for me long term I have to roll with life. Sometimes taking care of yourself is about just giving yourself a little slack. Learning how to get off and then back on track is just as important a skill to master.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I only started on here a couple of weeks. I have been very disciplined about what eat and keeping my calories below my target. I have a 10 month old baby, a 3 year old and I work full time. I have not had any time to exercise, even though I really would like too. I live in New England and with the snow and the cold, even a walk is out of the question. I have lost 7 pound since I started on here and 15 pounds total. I would like to start to exercise, but I am not sure how I can do it at this point. One thing that I read that was reassuring was that it okay to focus on the diet first and then when you start to lose, and your calorie targets drops, it is a good time to start, so that you can "earn" more calories when you really need them. Don't be discouraged. You can do this. I have struggled with my weight, as long as I can remember and I really feel that I am on to something with this site and that I can make this work. You can too!
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    Others have lost more weight or lost weight faster, but as much as I would like to see instant results, sometimes you just have to accept the weeks you are going to be in a holding pattern. The one thing that I really try and keep in mind is that if this is going to work for me long term I have to roll with life. Sometimes taking care of yourself is about just giving yourself a little slack. Learning how to get off and then back on track is just as important a skill to master.

    I think you make some very valid points. Tough times are going to come and go and learning how to deal with them in whatever is the healthiest way I can muster is the priority. I've felt so emotionally drained this week that having a break was probably best. I think the fact that I'm concerned about it is a sign that I really am shifting to a healthier mindset, and maybe a sign, too, that I'm ready to start picking myself up again.

    That being said, I did do a quick, but intense, 10-minute workout after my last post. I get very frustrated sometimes hearing others make excuse after excuse, because that's what got my whole family where they are: obese. I do think I needed a little time to recuperate, but to drag it out much longer would be drifting into Using-My-Situation-As-An-Excuse-Land and nobody loses much weight there :tongue:
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Others have lost more weight or lost weight faster, but as much as I would like to see instant results, sometimes you just have to accept the weeks you are going to be in a holding pattern. The one thing that I really try and keep in mind is that if this is going to work for me long term I have to roll with life. Sometimes taking care of yourself is about just giving yourself a little slack. Learning how to get off and then back on track is just as important a skill to master.

    I think you make some very valid points. Tough times are going to come and go and learning how to deal with them in whatever is the healthiest way I can muster is the priority. I've felt so emotionally drained this week that having a break was probably best. I think the fact that I'm concerned about it is a sign that I really am shifting to a healthier mindset, and maybe a sign, too, that I'm ready to start picking myself up again.

    That being said, I did do a quick, but intense, 10-minute workout after my last post. I get very frustrated sometimes hearing others make excuse after excuse, because that's what got my whole family where they are: obese. I do think I needed a little time to recuperate, but to drag it out much longer would be drifting into Using-My-Situation-As-An-Excuse-Land and nobody loses much weight there :tongue:

    The one thing that I really do try and do if I am having a 'down' week, is try and pay attention to how I am feeling physically as well as mentally. That is what gets me back on track, usually. Doing that quick 10 minutes cause you felt like it right then and there is a great example. It was enough, I'm sure, to act as a reminder of the positive things you feel when you do exercise and gave you a little mental boost cause at least you "did something". See? you are changing your overall mindset - next thing you know you will actually find yourself anxious to get out and get moving! :drinker:
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    I lost about 120# w/o exercise. Now I am trying really hard to get into working out, I am not able to do anything that strains the tummy muscles, as I have a bad incisional hernia. So I get to walk, but I know that walking is good for me.
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I lost about 120# w/o exercise. Now I am trying really hard to get into working out, I am not able to do anything that strains the tummy muscles, as I have a bad incisional hernia. So I get to walk, but I know that walking is good for me.

    Congrats on your weight loss, you lost a whole person, that's amazing! I'll be so happy when I'm able to say the same. About how long did it take you to lose that first 120?
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    I can't remember exactly, but I think about 13 months.