Kids and weight lifting?

My six year old keeps begging to lift weights... H can already real off 20 correct form push-ups and 20 hanging situps... boy is way into fitness at 6... Is weight lifting (light weights) safe for kids?


  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    There is nothing wrong with (light) weights. Don't let him go over board though. Heavy weight lifting can stunt the growth of a child, and cause harm to his body since he's not full grown yet. But, being healthy is not discouraged! I say light weights a go!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    I would do your research on a site like webmd, get some real medical advice on this. I've read that weightlifting can stunt a child's growth, and because kids have more relaxin in their joints, they can be more susceptible to injury. The recommended age for weightlifting is at least 13.
    It sounds to me like your boy is interested in doing what Dad's doing, so try doing some workouts that he can join in on with as much zeal. Build an obstacle course in the backyard, play some tag football, run some drills around the home like high knees, pushups, crunches, etc. It's great that you are showing him to enjoy an active lifestyle, and even better that you're finding ways to bond.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    With such a young kid, I would probably ask my doc if it's ok. Surely, some small dumbells wouldn't do him any harm though. I think it's cute that he wants to lift weights. :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    There is really no need for him to be lifting any kind of weights at this age. There is some lifting that can be done safely, so that is not the main issue. However, at this age it is more important that he participate in activities that involve more coordinated movements and movement skills. Children go through different stages of development and he has almost nothing to gain by doing "strength training" type exercises at his age. He would be much better off with something like gymnastics or martial arts as a way to express his interest in activity.

    If he wishes to work out with you, the exercises should consist primarily of body weight exercises.