Weight Gain...Really?

Ive recently joined a gym... Recently like Saturday..LOL, Ive ran 5 miles two those days... .5 one day before I did a 30 minute kettlebell session and I always stay within my BMR, and I am eating back most of my calories, so why do I keep gaining weight.. I havent lost in a good 3 weeks, I just gain and gain... Its really..really.. frustrating, and I am eating semi healthy.. I am trying my best, but I dont see a reason to just keep gaining, I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I really need motivation to keep going or suggestions on what to do.!


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I am having the same problem. I did my first 5k at the end of January, put on 4 lbs from it, and have been battling those same 4 lbs over and over again for the last 2 weeks (would lose it, then put it right back on, lose it, put it back on, GAAAH!). Today I decided to screw it, just keep doing what I'm doing, and let the Lord do the rest.

    Just make sure you are getting plenty of water, especially before, during, and after your workout. You should be drinking at least 20 oz for every hour you run in addition to what you already drink in a day. If your urine isn't clear, then you're not drinking enough. Eventually any muscle you build up will chomp away at that fat!
  • SarahJackson
    same exact thing happened to me...i just got back into working out like 3 weeks ago and was so proud of myself and excited that i was going to lose weight yet i gained weight instead. it took me like 2 weeks but in the last week i have finally started losing weight i almost gave up when i first saw that i gained weight but now i am really glad i stuck with it because even though i just lost a small amount (2 pounds) i feel slimmer and am started to look better too. i am right there with you though it is hard to stay motivated just keep at it!!! Good Luck you'll get there!!!
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    happens to me too, thats why I dont exercise..............LOLOLOL!!!!!!!
  • freedMan
    Hows your sodium levels? Also, you may want to change things up a bit, take a couple days rest, then hit the gym really hard, twice your regular workout. This worksfor me to push through a rut!
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    Ive recently joined a gym... Recently like Saturday..LOL, Ive ran 5 miles two those days... .5 one day before I did a 30 minute kettlebell session and I always stay within my BMR, and I am eating back most of my calories, so why do I keep gaining weight.. I havent lost in a good 3 weeks, I just gain and gain... Its really..really.. frustrating, and I am eating semi healthy.. I am trying my best, but I dont see a reason to just keep gaining, I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I really need motivation to keep going or suggestions on what to do.!

  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    You are doing the right things...eating better, moving your body more, drinking your water...it STINKS to see the scale go up, but KNOW that you are making the right choices and things WILL change SOON! I know, not soon enough! But i started working out on January 18th...just 30 days ago. The first 3 weeks STRAIGHT, i either gained weight or stayed the same. I was furious and it would ruin my whole day. But I didnt give up. I kept doing the right things, knwoing that eventually, my body would stop being so stubborn and things WOULD start changing. And sure enough...ALL OF A SUDDEN...6 lbs down. It WILL happen for you too! Just do not stop now! You want this BAD, and NOTHING tastes as good as "thin" feels!!! Put down the KFC....why make yourslef work that much harder at the gym tomorrow?
    Chin up, T. You CAN do it and you ARE doing it....even if it doesnt feel like it yet. :)
  • smalltowngirl504
    Kat, I love when you write..LOL..You really do have a way with words, and I wasnt planning on eating it, my sister showed up with it, I had 1/3 of a piece of chicken and I took off all the skin and Mac n Cheese .I didnt do terrible... I felt so guilty about it after and now have 0 desire to finish my food diary for the day... ::shrug::: Thanks for the pick me up, I am going to run for an hour at the gym do abs and leave... Gotta be home in time for david to get to work

    It helps to know I am not alone in the weight gain department.. and it wasnt in 2 days, Ive been working out at home for an entire month now... I need to increase my water intake, ive been terrible about it these last few days and I am not sure why, I am going to stock up on the 50 oz smart waters, thats a good way to track what I take in...:)

    Thanks again ladies.!!