Has anyone had success with planning all food ahead of time?



  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Pre-planning has worked really well for me. It makes it a lot simpler to eat right, at least for me. There is none of that last minute panic when you realize you are hungry and have to find something quick!
  • lkokot
    lkokot Posts: 80 Member
    Well...I preatty much eat the same thing every day so it's been quite easy form me. find something that you like and fits in in your calorie intake and you should be all set.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I always pre-plan...that doesn't mean I don't have to make adjustments now and then, but it really helps to keep things on track. Especially when you're busy, having a pre-plan is the way to go. I basically plan all of my meals and snacks a week ahead of time and do all of my shopping...I pre-log in MFP a day in advance. This keeps me on track and I don't have to check to see if I can have something or not...and I'm not left wondering how many calories I have left for dinner, etc...it's all mapped out. Doing this also helps me to avoid having excess food in my house, especially junk food.
  • Aradia_Silvermoon
    Aradia_Silvermoon Posts: 375 Member

    Had my first chai latte a few weeks back. AMAZING! X

    I make mine at home and it is so yummy. I also tweaked it to make it less fattening. I get the tazo chai tea concentrate from Target. I use 3/4 of it and match it with milk and sugar free creamer (I am using coffee mate pumpkin spice sugar free)...2 tbsp creamer and the rest is skim milk. Yum. I have to have it nightly it is my one indulgence :)
  • Luv108
    Luv108 Posts: 18
    Wow thanks everyone for your input, it is great to know that most people have had more success with planning and prelogging. It is so nice to hear from other people making progress, alot of you seem to be ding so well, that makes me want to keep trying!
    I am going to start planning for the rest of the week right now! :)
  • Goatgirl8
    Goatgirl8 Posts: 57 Member
    I plan all my lunches and dinners for the week on Sunday and while I don't prelog, all my recipes are already in here or I add them as I go, so it's easy to log when I do. I find that planning keeps me on track and I eat the same snacks most of the time, so I know what my day is going to look like. This helps for when I experience a craving for something not so healthy. Then, I know which days I'm lower in cals, so I can sneak something unhealthy in. That doesn't happen often though. I've gotten so used to eating non-processed food that I rarely crave junk anymore. I've lost 45lbs since July, so this is working well for me.

    I sure like this idea. It would take organization and commitment, but I would think it really works. That way I wouldn't have so many "surprises" when I log. In review of my current diet, it's pretty obvious the foods that are causing problems. Thanks for the input.