Would love some heavy lifting friends



  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I'm always confused by this topic, as I'm not sure what others classify as "heavy". Personally I think it should be ratios, but if you want to add me, I think I fall into "heavy lifters". I'm several weeks into SL 5x5, so I'll just post those numbers, not my 1rm.

    Bench - 200
    Squat - 340
    Dead - 345
    OHP - 110

    It doesn't matter how much you are lifting or what percentage of your body weight it may be etc etc...

    Lifting heavy is lifting heavy. If it is a struggle for you personally, then it is heavy. Throwing numbers around usually does nothing for a new lifter except make them feel weak by comparison.

    Good on you OP, you'll find lots of great support here. Keep liftin'!
  • zen82
    zen82 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello! I am a new lifter too, and a runner, and love both so much that I am boring everyone around me with it! I'm not exactly lifting super duper heavy yet but have been working with a trainer on form and am now starting to load the bar more for front and back squats, still bar only for OHP but I have a shoulder (rotator cuff) issue as an excuse note :-S. Also doing dead lifts, which I am more confident with (can actually dead lift over my body weight for a couple of reps, which I discovered by accident with a mathematics malfunction!)... Anyway, am new, enthusiastic, short and female - been experiencing the "macho pit" stares too but getting myself in the free weights zone despite them, working on technique has helped with my confidence... Would love more lifty friends!
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    You can add me to!!!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Hi! I completed the Stronglifts 5x5 program (12 weeks) this past summer, and continued on for a little bit with 3x5 until I hurt my back. I didn't realize it, but my deadlifting form was a little off and once the weights got REALLY heavy for me it became an issue. Totally my fault. If you do deadlifts correctly you won't get hurt. Live and learn I guess! My back is recovered 100% now so I plan on easing back into the program in the next couple weeks. Lifting has done SO much for changing my body shape. I really love it. I prefer it over cardio (even though I do both) . You can add me if you like :smile: