I've been a member for years but never used the site.

In 2008 I started a diet and lost 30lbs in 8 months. I stopped and gained it all back :( I joined fit pal in 2011 and lost 40 for my wedding day and again gained it all back!
I started again just 2 weeks ago and started strong! So proud of myself. I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks!!! I am totally ready to get rid of this fat! For 2 weeks I have had nothing fried, No soda, no candy, no fast food and I feel awesome! I walk at least 4 miles a day. I am seeing results and I refuse to quit!


  • SanDiegoCasey
    SanDiegoCasey Posts: 130 Member
    If you need to... don't go so hardcore right away.. I'm going through this with my parents right now... Don't think you have to do EVERYTHING right NOW! if you do, great, but no big deal, the important thing is staying on the site, keep logging your food, and everything will fall into place. If you eat like crap for a week, have soda, whatever, no problem just keep logging it... dont leave!