OMG 5 pounds over the weekend!!



  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    I am in the same boat this morning, my fingers are feeling like sausages and my scale was up 4 lbs this morning after indulging in cocktails over the weekend. Ugh! I am drinking a ton of water today, I am back on track and I have exercise class tonight...It WILL be gone by Friday is my goal!!
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    Thank you for making this post!! I hopped on the scale yesterday morning and it said I had lost 4 lbs. Then I hopped on in the afternoon (after the football game ended and I ate a slice of pizza and some wings) and it said I had only lost 2.2 lbs. I was so upset! I figured my scale was unreliable and I got all nervous. Now I know it was just a combination of water weight and salty foods. Lesson learned: only weigh myself once a week - and not multiple times in one day!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Even following my daily calorie amounts and being mindful of extra sodium my weight can fluctuate 1 - 4 pounds on any given day. I know that too much sodium (>3500g) can start to make my body retain extra water. In fact, I can weigh myself, walk down 2 flights of stairs to my kitchen to let the dog out, walk back upstairs to my bathroom scale and have gained a WHOLE POUND!!

    This is not "fat".

    Make sure you are giving your body plenty of water, and watch the sodium, you'll be back at your goal weight in a few days
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member

    3,500 calories = 1 pound. You would have to eat over your TDEE by 17,500 calories to gain 5 pounds of fat. That's about, oh, 25 *bottles* of wine. Step away from the scale...
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Have you tried dropping a deuce?
  • iiijeniii
    iiijeniii Posts: 82 Member
    Have you tried dropping a deuce?

    I like to weigh myself before and after to see how big it was ...
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Have you tried dropping a deuce?

    I like to weigh myself before and after to see how big it was ...

    LOL - this dosent seem to effect the scales for me!!! However funny!