I must be crazy!!!



  • Katy_G2013
    Katy_G2013 Posts: 70 Member
    If you are crazy, I am too! I have a 3 yr old daughter and a 2 month old daughter. I am starting my healthy lifestyle and not looking back (as of last Sunday). I am also getting my husband and brother motivated to do this with me and getting them to quit smoking (willingly). It's a lot going on, but if we take it as a lifestyle it will be a lot easier than a 'diet'. Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!!

    Not to mention only 4 days until the world ends. Talk about procrastinating.

    Love this comment!! Ha
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    IMHO, the smoking should go first before the weight. I'm not saying you can't do both, but as the previous poster said, that's a whole lot to try to tackle at once.

    Smoking around your babies is terrible for them, especially the newborn. The fact that you continued to smoke while pregnant which lead to preeclampsia is a very bad sign for you. It means your addiction is a whole lot worse than you seem to let on, so if I were in your situation, I'd make getting off the cigarettes for life priority #1. Access whatever resources you need to do it, but do it now.

    If you are worried about gaining after quitting, then try to start tracking your calories just to maintain your weight first while you get through quitting. Get into the habit of prelogging your food (log your food for the day in the morning or the night before so you know what you can fit into your calorie budget before the stay starts instead of winging it), and try to just hit that goal every day. Setup some weekly or monthly goals for yourself (non-scale goals are best). Start exercising as much as possible (even walking will do a lot of good).

    Start slow and get control over your addiction first. Use the tools you learn along the way to quitting in your weight loss later.

    I'm still having a very hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the OP didn't quit while she was pregnant.

    I was a heavy, heavy smoker before I got pregnant, and even I didn't hesitate when I found out I was pregnant. I quit...immediately. I smoke now, but never, ever around my child...I just....*smh*...I don't have words.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    IMHO, the smoking should go first before the weight. I'm not saying you can't do both, but as the previous poster said, that's a whole lot to try to tackle at once.

    Smoking around your babies is terrible for them, especially the newborn. The fact that you continued to smoke while pregnant which lead to preeclampsia is a very bad sign for you. It means your addiction is a whole lot worse than you seem to let on, so if I were in your situation, I'd make getting off the cigarettes for life priority #1. Access whatever resources you need to do it, but do it now.

    If you are worried about gaining after quitting, then try to start tracking your calories just to maintain your weight first while you get through quitting. Get into the habit of prelogging your food (log your food for the day in the morning or the night before so you know what you can fit into your calorie budget before the stay starts instead of winging it), and try to just hit that goal every day. Setup some weekly or monthly goals for yourself (non-scale goals are best). Start exercising as much as possible (even walking will do a lot of good).

    Start slow and get control over your addiction first. Use the tools you learn along the way to quitting in your weight loss later.

    I'm still having a very hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the OP didn't quit while she was pregnant.

    I was a heavy, heavy smoker before I got pregnant, and even I didn't hesitate when I found out I was pregnant. I quit...immediately. I smoke now, but never, ever around my child...I just....*smh*...I don't have words.

    What's funny is only 30years ago people wouldn't be reacting like she had just drown a cat b/c she didn't quit cold turkey.

    Addiction is different for everyone and I have heard of many doctors not suggesting a woman quit cold turkey b/c of the added stress it can cause. I didn't quit immediately when I found out I was pregnant....thankfully it made me physically ill so I just didn't want to.
  • njkilmer28
    njkilmer28 Posts: 9 Member
    Definitely not crazy! I quit smoking 4 yrs ago cold turkey-it was tough but after the 1st 7 days it gets easier. I will tell you, even after 4 yrs, I still get a craving from time to time. You just have to find something to do to distract yourself from the craving.

    I, agree, plan out your meals and log before eatting, that way if you need to make adjustments to a meal to lower the calories or up the calories (heaven forbide, :noway: ) you can before you make your meals. You just have to find a free moment to do so, And if you do eat something that you haven't logged don't forget to go back and log it.

    All you can do is take it one day or meal at time and do your research. Everybody is different and most things don't work for everyone. It will take a lot of trial and error before you find the niche that works for you. Just don't get discouraged in the meantime.

    Good Luck! :smile:
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Wow, if having an actual baby growing inside you isn't enough to make you stop smoking I don't know what is. *seriously shocked face* Quit now and don't smoke any more around that baby or your other children, it's ridiculously irresponsible and completely selfish.

    And before anyone starts, smoke what you like, some weed, some crack, whatever.....NOT while you're pregnant and not if you're someone's mum. Unacceptable.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    IMHO, the smoking should go first before the weight. I'm not saying you can't do both, but as the previous poster said, that's a whole lot to try to tackle at once.

    Smoking around your babies is terrible for them, especially the newborn. The fact that you continued to smoke while pregnant which lead to preeclampsia is a very bad sign for you. It means your addiction is a whole lot worse than you seem to let on, so if I were in your situation, I'd make getting off the cigarettes for life priority #1. Access whatever resources you need to do it, but do it now.

    If you are worried about gaining after quitting, then try to start tracking your calories just to maintain your weight first while you get through quitting. Get into the habit of prelogging your food (log your food for the day in the morning or the night before so you know what you can fit into your calorie budget before the stay starts instead of winging it), and try to just hit that goal every day. Setup some weekly or monthly goals for yourself (non-scale goals are best). Start exercising as much as possible (even walking will do a lot of good).

    Start slow and get control over your addiction first. Use the tools you learn along the way to quitting in your weight loss later.

    I'm still having a very hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the OP didn't quit while she was pregnant.

    I was a heavy, heavy smoker before I got pregnant, and even I didn't hesitate when I found out I was pregnant. I quit...immediately. I smoke now, but never, ever around my child...I just....*smh*...I don't have words.

    What's funny is only 30years ago people wouldn't be reacting like she had just drown a cat b/c she didn't quit cold turkey.

    Addiction is different for everyone and I have heard of many doctors not suggesting a woman quit cold turkey b/c of the added stress it can cause. I didn't quit immediately when I found out I was pregnant....thankfully it made me physically ill so I just didn't want to.
    30 years ago, we didn't know how horrible smoking was for the fetus, so that argument is completely invalid.

    A. Those doctors are full of it. That *myth* has long since been debunked. The stress of quitting smoking won't cause a miscarriage. It's the act of smoking that causes it.
    B. You don't have to quit immediately. That fact is known. But you must quit before the end of the first trimester. After that, the fetus directly absorbs the nicotine and toxins you're forcing down your throat. And after that....well I'll leave it at that. I don't want a strike.
  • tracygolden
    tracygolden Posts: 94 Member
    Better to start now then after the holidays when you may have added pounds instead of loosing them. Welcome and good luck.
  • ULTRAC12
    ULTRAC12 Posts: 10 Member
    I started right after Thanksgiving, so I feel your pain. Left over dressing, casseroles, potatoes.. You know. At any rate, this is a great program... I've lost 2 pounds so far and I would have lost more, except my exercise schedule has been shot this last week. But at least I don't feel deprived like I do on other eating plans.. Being aware of what yo put in your mouth makes all the difference in the world!!! Good luck. I think you will do fine!!!
  • IMHO, the smoking should go first before the weight. I'm not saying you can't do both, but as the previous poster said, that's a whole lot to try to tackle at once.

    Smoking around your babies is terrible for them, especially the newborn. The fact that you continued to smoke while pregnant which lead to preeclampsia is a very bad sign for you. It means your addiction is a whole lot worse than you seem to let on, so if I were in your situation, I'd make getting off the cigarettes for life priority #1. Access whatever resources you need to do it, but do it now.

    If you are worried about gaining after quitting, then try to start tracking your calories just to maintain your weight first while you get through quitting. Get into the habit of prelogging your food (log your food for the day in the morning or the night before so you know what you can fit into your calorie budget before the stay starts instead of winging it), and try to just hit that goal every day. Setup some weekly or monthly goals for yourself (non-scale goals are best). Start exercising as much as possible (even walking will do a lot of good).

    Start slow and get control over your addiction first. Use the tools you learn along the way to quitting in your weight loss later.

    I'm still having a very hard time wrapping my head around the fact that the OP didn't quit while she was pregnant.

    I was a heavy, heavy smoker before I got pregnant, and even I didn't hesitate when I found out I was pregnant. I quit...immediately. I smoke now, but never, ever around my child...I just....*smh*...I don't have words.

    What's funny is only 30years ago people wouldn't be reacting like she had just drown a cat b/c she didn't quit cold turkey.

    Addiction is different for everyone and I have heard of many doctors not suggesting a woman quit cold turkey b/c of the added stress it can cause. I didn't quit immediately when I found out I was pregnant....thankfully it made me physically ill so I just didn't want to.
    30 years ago, we didn't know how horrible smoking was for the fetus, so that argument is completely invalid.

    A. Those doctors are full of it. That *myth* has long since been debunked. The stress of quitting smoking won't cause a miscarriage. It's the act of smoking that causes it.
    B. You don't have to quit immediately. That fact is known. But you must quit before the end of the first trimester. After that, the fetus directly absorbs the nicotine and toxins you're forcing down your throat. And after that....well I'll leave it at that. I don't want a strike.
    Ok let me set you all strait, 1st off I DO NOT smoke around my kids, NOT in the house NOT in the car. 2nd when I tried to quit while I was pregnant it was causing my blood pressure to raise and stay to high. Keep in mind nobody in this world is perfect. Keep that in mind as you sit there and judge me. People in glass houses should not throw stones. Enough said.
  • Congrats on making a huge step towards bettering your life! Remember, it wont be easy but it is sooooo worth it! I definitely agree that you have to start logging and checking calories before you eat. Good luck and feel free to add me :smile:
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    It's amazing that something as addicting and deadly as cigarettes are legal but marijuana isn't. If a woman can't quit for her unborn child she either needs serious help for her addiction (admit yourself to a facility if you have to) or should rethink bringing a child into the world. Imagine how that baby felt with every toke???? :cry:
  • electricello
    electricello Posts: 40 Member
    Sweetheart, you CAN do both. I highly recommend a book called "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Alan Carr. It literally changed my life!

    If you quit smoking first, I think it would be smartest. Your metabolism will go a little haywire at first, but that doesn't mean you can't start intstilling healthy eating habits while you adjust to living without the cigarettes.

    I fully support your decision, and applaud you for making the choice to get healthy. Now make sure you use sites like these to get the support and accountability to keep going.
  • I applaud you for quitting smoking and losing weight. It is a very difficult thing to commit to do both at the same time but it is possible. I know first hand because I quit smoking just 3 short months ago after having smoked over a pack a day for over 30 years. I have also lost quite a bit of weight during this time as well.

    You CAN Do it!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you need a cheering section
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I have to be crazy. Starting a diet with the holidays right now. And quiting smoking to. And a 7week old baby!! I am new here just joined 5 days ago, this seems like I am in the right place.I find myself really thinking about calories, and how much I take in. Every time I eat I get on here to see how well I am doing. I have a total of 3 kids 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyone that needs friends feel free to add me, I have alot to lose so I will be around a long time....:happy:

    wait a minute... you're quitting smoking now?? shouldn't you have quit ten months ago??

    Now now... don't attack her just yet, she's only been here 5 days... Maybe she started smoking again after the baby. She could've been smoking for 6.5 weeks...

    cause smoking with a newborn around, that's possibly breastfeeding, is better than smoking while pregnant.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    If you feel that someone calling you out for putting your own unproductive, selfish desire for little bits of instant gratification and proven bodily harm - over the priority of your newborn - is an attack.... well. Perhaps you should consider for a second if they are right and see if that motivates you to change your life for the better.

    Option A: Get huffy and puffy and defensive and tell everyone how much you really do care and that no one here is nice.

    Option B: put your money where your mouth is and prove that you care ENOUGH.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Option A: Get huffy and puffy and defensive and tell everyone how much you really do care and that no one here is nice.

    Option B: put your money where your mouth is and prove that you care ENOUGH.

    These are really the only options any of us here have. Take a step back, OP, what's done is done and if you want to change enough to value people who will help kick you into shape, you've come to the right place. Good luck.
  • Hi there!

    You're not crazy for joining around the holidays... I just joined as well ~ I figured I'd rather lose a few pounds (or stay the same) than to gain the dreaded 7 lbs. average over the holidays. :-) Congrats on quitting smoking, too! Sounds like you're on your way to a much healthier lifestyle!

    I have kids as well, but they're not as young as yours... Mine are 13 (next month) and 9.

    I have a lot of weight to lose too so it'd be great to have someone to chat & share with! :-)