After 2 weeks of eating healthy, I felt so much better at my


My name is Justin. I've gained at least 50 pounds since highschool. That was 11 years ago. I've been losing and gaining back weight for the past 4 years and found it difficult to make a change that I could stick with. I joined a 'Biggest Loser' competition at my work 2 weeks ago and since then have lost 8 pounds. I'm sure most of that is water weight, but I still feel good about it. I've been eating much healthier and just started tracking my nutrition and excercise on this website and I hope the competition and the fact that I have a team of 2 other people that I don't want to let down will keep me motivated to make my eating habits changes permanent. For now, I don't have the cravings for the junk food I'd eat late at night before bed and I've found some healthy foods that I find pleasurable. I'm in a basketball league at work and just got finished with a game a couple of hours ago. I didn't get tired in the middle of the game like I usually do, and I was able to run a lot more than I'm used to. I think this is a good sign. Thanks for reading and I hope to bring more good news in the coming weeks.



  • sportsqueen32
    Welcome to the club Justin. I hope you continue on your journey of a healthy lifestyle. I too would snack late night after I got out of work on the high fat, high calorie food. The sweeter the better. The more chocolate the better. I know go for dry SpecialK for my late night snack. I know it's still bad to snack at that time but when I work night (3x a week) I don't always get the chance to eat all my dinner and maybe I get to squeeze in a snack.Just know that you have a lot of people on this site ready to cheer you on when you need it. If you are looking for a friend to offer words of encouragement or to try to talk you out of some bad food choices just add me.It is comforting to know that I have the will power to just say NO! to those foods that I would not even think twice about eating before. Good Luck on your goals and we are here if you need us!! :bigsmile: