How to fall in love with the Treadmill...any advice?



  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    It is on my exercises of DREADMIL that I HATE!! NO way of loving it! I love to be outside too. Put in that ipod and go, I sing to the kids as the come past me. or slow it down so I can dance for them. THere is no way I will ever lovve it!
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I bring my Kindle Fire and either read a book or watch a movie or tv show on it to keep me from being bored. So if you have an iPad or some other tablet go for it!

    I do the same! Mostly I read, and when I have a good book time flies by. I have also bought audiobooks ( and I hear the books while I work out, it's lots of fun!

    I don't understand how people can read while on the treadmill or elliptical or bike. Music helps as do using the programmed settings...I like hills. Personally, I haven't been on a treadmill since I fell in love with the hills program on the elliptical at my gym.
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member
    I hated running on the treadmill in the beginning, because, like you said, it was just so incredibly boring.
    then i started using one in a different gym that had individual TV-screens attached to it.
    so i plugged in my ipod, and me being a complete show/sitcom-freak, I quickly figured out that I could
    combine two things that I'm incredible passionate about: running and shows, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
    now the time usually flies by ;-)
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I do not like the treadmill, never will, it is not a natural way to run or walk, let's face it. I only do sprints and intervals on it as I cannot stand running for ages in one place (no fresh air, no rough patches, no puddles, no sticks to avoid, etc) helps...just...

    I can give no advice as to how to fall in love with a piece of machinery...I still love running outdoors...maybe do more running outside instead?!
  • PrincessCambo
    PrincessCambo Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • Allegra_Williams
    Watch your absolute favorite TV show with very yummy actors. (You know, inspiration for you.)

    For me, it would be vampire diaries. mmmmmmmm.
  • laurajean120
    laurajean120 Posts: 23 Member
    i get on the treadmill turn up the music with head phones and just go . i think about how great its going to makes me feel after im done and how good im going to look. if u can find the right music it makes all the difference to.