Self-Improvement: Inside as well as out

remembertheharddrive Posts: 133 Member
Does anyone else love self improvement? Not just physically, like we focus on here, but in all aspects of our lives. When someone asks me what my hobbies are, I want to say "Self improvement!" without sounding crazy - like a self-help book addict, haha. But it's totally true! My favorite project/hobby is myself.

Whether its being a better friend, being a better partner, being a better manager at work, emotionally getting my **** together, decorating my home to that I'm excited and comfortable when I head home at night, or motivating myself to clean the dishes directly after dinner so that I don't feel like life is an endless chore. I can always be a little lighter, a little more mindful, a little happier. And so I love to read or talk to people about all of the ways they do it or things to keep in mind on a daily basis - little changes to make each day a little more fun, happier and make the people in my lives happier too. I think that when I'm mentally/emotionally happy...I'm more in tune with my body as well, its needs and health. more motivated to get out and get to the gym or run a race. It pays off in all aspects of my life and everyone else's too.

So if you're like me, what do you love to read or be inspired by? Any favorite blogs or website or books? Favorite sayings or lists to keep you thinking and motivated?


  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I'm with you 100%. For me, having a healthy body is only part of a healthy lifestyle. If you're clouded by negativity, stress, and unhappiness, that's going to take it's toll on you as well. I find that as long as I have goals and direction and the things that I am doing are in line with the goals that I want to achieve then I feel happy and fulfilled. Sure some days are better than others but as long as I keep my eye on the prize then the stressful things just become like water off a duck. :)
  • caitlinclock
    caitlinclock Posts: 528 Member
    I like writing my own blog because it helps me stay focused and positive. I also read other positive health and fitness bloggers that are similar to me. My favourite is Mary at and she's got some awesome ones in her blogroll, too.

    I also find that being active on MFP really helps because there are a lot of motivated and positive people hanging out here. :)
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