Surprising things about your new lifestyle?

UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
I have two interesting things that I have discovered and enjoyed of late - early days but it is still interesting what I am realizing:

- my skin is clearing up and more moisturized these days - more fruit? less wheat products? Something I have been struggling with for a bit over a year, since the birth of my son. Kind of cool

- I actually don't really enjoy the taste of process foods. Have been doing a great job of enjoying what I am eating and so when I went to the cinema at the weekend and had some more processed stuff, actually felt hung-over the next day...had indigestion, a headache and the whole bit. Fascinating that even after a week of eating more 'pure' foods I could taste the difference and taste/sense the 'e' numbers/chemicals in the 'treats' I had at the cinema. Won't lie - the chocolate still tasted as good. LOL

What about you?


  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    My skin also improved

    I get sick less often

    I have more energy

    I'm more excited about my food

    I find salt in food to be a lot more noticeable

    I'm finishing colourful, fresh looking food way more attractive than stodgy greasy looking food

    This one is bad but- I notice other people's sh!tty eating habits a lot more
  • Snotori
    Snotori Posts: 156
    Skin improved.

    more energy for the day.

    omg and I totally notice other people's eating habits and just think "man someone should tell them about MFP" lol!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Foods taste sweeter and more salty in their natural states (without added sugar/sweetners and salt)

    I can sleep now! Like a normal person! Without prescription sleeping pills!

    I can look at a picture and not be grossed out by myself.

    I'm less tired and have more stamina when playing with my little cousins.

    And I was also gonna agree with Mutant13 and say that I notice other people's bad eating habits so much more now.
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