Monitering junkfood intake!

So I've really just started doing this, and for the first week or two it was fine. We didn't have a lot of food in the house so it was hard to overeat, much less binge on the empty carbs and basic sugars that present themselves in junkfood.
But that isn't the case anymore.
Sad to say I had a chocolate turtle and four shortbread cookies after stressing myself out. Now I'm very disappointed in myself, but trying not to 'punish' myself by not eating for the rest of the day as I have done in the past.

So, that said! I'll have a work out once I've finally gotten a call-back from a job I applied to (my life is officially on hold until then, my attention span shortens itself to a knat when I get this way) but I'm more concerned about going forward.

How the heck do you guys do it? I've been getting cravings so bad that I DREAM about the bad food and it feels like there's a bunch of ants in my pants until I get that 'fix'. I'll distract myself by reading or hopping on my stepper but my mind will always always stray back to the junkfood in the cupboard, even after I sate the urge to snack by munching on broccoli, or an orange.
So I'm hoping for some advice.

Help? Thanks.


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I accept it and cave, tbh, most of the time.

    BUT You can't completely cut yourself off or it will never work.. One thing I heard is that if you set a 15 minute timer and wait your craving should go away bc they only last 15 minutes. IDK how true it is bc I've never tried it but it did say to try drinking water and if you still want it after that 15 minutes and some water to go ahead and have it. Also, (Don't quote me) I've heard that sugars are addicting bc they release seretonin so you tend to want more the more you eat. Quitting cold turkey then isn't going to happen... Maybe allow yourself a few treats during the week and it will help. Once you get used to not having them tho it should be easier :) Good luck.