estimates my energy requirements much higher t



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Okay, so that's like a sedentary level TDEE? Then add in 700 calories for walking, standing, talking, biking, etc? So MFP really underestimates then. It lists my daily energy expenditure at 2100 calories on the Active level.

    I think that sounds reasonable; especially, if you were to log your intake that's prior to starting on this website. Many people are shocked at the amount of calories ingested.

    I haven't looked into how MFP calculates their data; so, I would have to question this accuracy. I have heard on other posts that MFP is more conservative in numbers.

    I've actually got the opposite problem. I was shocked to see how few calories I've been ingesting. I've been trying to battle weight off and on for a long time. And I guess when I go off I go really far off. But I've been trying to eat well and healthy and exercise since September and wasn't seeing much in the way of results. The first week I logged in I was shocked to see that I was only eating in the range of 1000-1500 calories every day. If I need 2200 to maintain, that's a deficit of 700-1200 calories! Too much! And I was biking on top of that. It took me about two weeks to wrap my head around eating more to lose more. I think that's the situation I'm in now. I've not seen any results sticking to MFP guidelines so I've been trying to figure out how accurate they are and the conclusion I'm coming to is that I need to eat more to lose more. I've just got to make sure I don't eat too much more.

    Right, you could be in the "starvation mode". So, don't get worried if you go up in calories after eating the appropriate amounts of food...that's your body recovering from so-called starvation and changing metabolism. It's amazing how the body will adapt and change to protect it's vital organs. So, it will super conserve energy to keep vital functions working thereby slowing metabolism. Good luck!!

    There is no such thing as starvation mode..............that is a pure myth.

    You should really research intermittent fasting as it is a very common practice.

    Fasting does jolt the metabolism by switching things up and confusing the body. Again, stressing how adaptable the body is to stressors. Perhaps, fasting can be beneficial if that's what your into and works for you. Everyone is different; so, I cannot generalize everyone in the same category. As a nurse, I have seen starvation as evidenced in labwork on elderly and obese patients from lack of intake. I do not believe it is a pure myth.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    ..... And I would assume that the USDA website is at least minimally credible. .....
    Government & credible in the same sentence is an oxymoron. That 2900 figure isn't even close and it's a shame that this site would even exist with this kind of bad information.
  • nongenius
    nongenius Posts: 18 Member
    ..... And I would assume that the USDA website is at least minimally credible. .....
    Government & credible in the same sentence is an oxymoron. That 2900 figure isn't even close and it's a shame that this site would even exist with this kind of bad information.

    RVachon71, how close to the mark do you consider MFP?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    There is no such thing as starvation mode..............that is a pure myth.

    You should really research intermittent fasting as it is a very common practice.

    Fasting does jolt the metabolism by switching things up and confusing the body. Again, stressing how adaptable the body is to stressors. Perhaps, fasting can be beneficial if that's what your into and works for you. Everyone is different; so, I cannot generalize everyone in the same category. As a nurse, I have seen starvation as evidenced in labwork on elderly and obese patients from lack of intake. I do not believe it is a pure myth.

    There is a major difference between Starvation and "starvation mode"...............Please don't confuse the 2. Most people say if you don't consume food X times per day and every X amount of hours that your body will go into starvation mode. That statement is very incorrect.
  • BamaRose0107
    That sounds high to me. I tend to look at all food requirment pyramids and take the advice with a grain of salt. Whether it be government or some random diet guru I always research and find the best options for my body and its needs.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member

    There is no such thing as starvation mode..............that is a pure myth.

    You should really research intermittent fasting as it is a very common practice.

    Fasting does jolt the metabolism by switching things up and confusing the body. Again, stressing how adaptable the body is to stressors. Perhaps, fasting can be beneficial if that's what your into and works for you. Everyone is different; so, I cannot generalize everyone in the same category. As a nurse, I have seen starvation as evidenced in labwork on elderly and obese patients from lack of intake. I do not believe it is a pure myth.

    There is a major difference between Starvation and "starvation mode"...............Please don't confuse the 2. Most people say if you don't consume food X times per day and every X amount of hours that your body will go into starvation mode. That statement is very incorrect.

    I think "most" people actually say something to the effect of...if you eat too far below your caloric needs for an extended period of time, you will go into "starvation mode". If I were to say that, I'd say I've seen the effects of eating too few calories for too long- it's not that uncommon. It's not always starvation, persay, but it is deprivation, and it is unhealthy.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    It's smiley faces! Who uses smiley faces?

    It's probably for children or broken down for people who are at a lower reading level

    :angry: :grumble: :mad: :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Geez. I thought emos were fun. Guess I'm just stupid.