New kid on the block

Hi everyone! I'm a 25 year old engineer from NY. I've half heartedly used fitday in the past, and my sister recently told me about this site, and I love it. I've never been overweight, but I've also never been in good shape, so this past fall I decided it was finally time. I started doing p90x and cooking/eating healtheir, and I felt great. I haven't been entirely consistent with working out through the holidays, but I got back on the wagon after the New Year. I'm currently doing p90 masters series and continuing to try to eat well.. My two biggest problem - I love to snack and I love to bake! I'm hoping I can continue keeping track of my food on here and it'll help me keep me the right path. I look foward to jumping into the message boards and getting to it!


  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    Welcome! As far as baking goes, there are a few posts about low-cal cakes a cupcakes. If you buy the boxed stuff and use diet soda....I think thats all you have to do.
    Good luck!
  • mfolsom
    My weaknesses are snacking and baking as well!! I've found that this site definitely helps me keep those in track tho (Ive only been on for less than a week)... so hopefully i can stick to it! It makes me think twice though when I have to enter it in on here and see that the treat I ate had MORE calories than I burnt off at the gym! It puts everything in perspective and I love it! Good luck!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Welcome! I remember when I first started my subject was the same! Funny!

    You'll do great with this site as a tool on your side!
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    Welcome! I am new here myself but have already found MFP to be so supportive!
