Have anyone tried acupuncture for weight loss?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I enjoy acupuncture therapy and am fortunate that my dad is an acupuncture therapist. It helped me quite a bit when I quit smoking...but the key here is that it helped me...it didn't magically make me quit smoking...it's not like I had my dad treat me and voila...I was smoke free. There is no magic, the effort still needs to be made on your part. Acupuncture is very relaxing, quite like a good massage; but you still have to put in the work. To lose weight, you have to eat at a caloric deficit...it's math plain and simple. For me, the benefit of acupuncture is stress reduction...if you're a stress eater, it may help you; It didn't really help me in the eating dept...I didn't eat because of stress...I ate beyond my metabolic means because I love friggin' food and I never exercised. I've lost 10 Lbs so far, and it's all been portion control and changing my diet to include a lot more nutrient dense and whole foods plus re-introducing myself to this little thing called exercise. Personally, if I had to pay for it, I'd opt for message therapy...but that's just me...I enjoy acupuncture, but it's free for me.
  • tmhpkns84
    No both topics came out at same time.... Acupuncture could also help with PCOS and I could still work on losing weight without taking medication.
  • tmhpkns84
    Thank you all so much
  • tmhpkns84
    I want children so bad and PCOS has made it difficult and that's why I am dieting, plus need to be health.
  • a_crotty
    a_crotty Posts: 225 Member
    Hmm. So I guess you decided against doing it the "natural" way.

    Wow.. way to be a jerk. It's not like she is adding tons of chemicals into her body or going to get surgery. Seriously, get a damn grip.. That's like saying that if she wanted to get massages monthly to lower her stress level and help with her weight loss, she wouldn't be doing it "the natural way". Really? Or say she wanted to drink warm milk and go to bed earlier to get extra sleep to help lose weight it wouldn't be "natural". Keep your negative comments to yourself. People are here to succeed, we don't need people bashing us for wanting to try more things to help.

    Rant over.

    ^^^^ THIS, I was feeling realy *****y after seeing the said rude *kitten* post but you cleared that right up.