Looking for fun and supportive friends!

I am rather new to MFP but I am so grateful for all the new things I am learning. I am totally enjoying this journey! I would love to have a few more supporters to learn from and share new ideas. I too will be supportive! Thanks!:bigsmile:


  • chenoa1979
    Hello, I am new again to myfitness pal. I was doing really good several months ago but then I thought I could just figure out the calories in my head so I stopped doing it, well guess what....I gained every pound back. I am active duty Air Force and I have to stick to the plan for good this time, my career is counting on it. I work out 5 days a week doing cardio, abs and weights but the eating is my down fall. I have two small children and I want to set a good example for them. Sometimes I think my daughter (2 yrs old) is setting the example for me. She will tell you her favorite food is broccolli...and she eats it too, she really does love it. See how that hits you when you realize you are sitting on the couch with chips and your 2 yr old daughter is beside you eating broccolli. LOL!
    I don't really have any support or friends to share this journey with and that is why I am posting. I would really like somebody to talk to sometimes. It is easy to give up when you think noby cares.
    I would love some new friends!!!!!!!
    By the way...I would like to lose between 45-55lbs. Right now I am aT 235lbs and 5'11" 33 yrs old.
    Awesome job already losing 15 lbs. :tongue: