Two weeks in, and staying positive.

So I started this process, excited, ready to lose and get back on track! Time to say goodbye to the junk in the trunk, gonna release the MILF inside and come out a hot momma!! The ballon of dieting excitement has been filled, ain't nothing gonna burst it......right?!?!

Week number one was great! I was down 3.4 lbs. I was excited, and pretty proud of myself for sticking with it. I did lots of good things that week. I ate a lot of salads, (sans the Ranch dressing...I love Ranch but when reality hits it just had to go!) Made sure I got fruits in there, and was attentive to the foods going down the hatch. The only downfall to week one-the day of my weigh in-I caved and rewarded myself with an all out feast at Pizza Ranch. (Can you see the inner fat girl fighting the skinny ***** trying to win this battle? LOL) My mind was saying...NO! STOP, RIGHT NOW! DO NOT THROW ALL YOUR HARD WORK AWAY! DAMMIT. KNOCK THIS **** OFF!!

......and did I listen? Of course not. Sigh.

And so began week 2.

Sunday. Bound and determined to do better after kicking skinny *****es *kitten* on Saturday. And that I did. Until Wednesday.

On Wednesday I went to Tico's-a local mexican restaurant. I was fighting the fat girl/skinny ***** fight again. I really wanted to do good. Honestly. But my friend said what you want, its just for today's lunch. So I did, and it was good. But it carried over to that evening, when I thought I deserved to have Chinese too. And so the cycle beings again Thursday morning. Start over and pray to God the scale doesn't kill me on Saturday's weigh in. I did good for a few days, back to the salads. Stayed within vcalories, but had lots of carbs. aka noodle goodness. (I love me some pasta-even if it is Weight Watcher Pasta or the 700 calorie box pasta roni's) Friday night's Mr. Goodcents sandwich did not help me either. And I knew it.

Saturday morning I felt bloated. I knew this wasn't going to be good, but I have promised myself that I was going to be 100% honest through this process. Here we foot at a time, on the scale. (btw....this may be tmi but...I always weigh naked, no clothes to weigh me down). I was up 3.4 lbs.DAMMIT, ****ING UP 3.4 LBS. I JUST LOST THAT LAST WEEK!!!

I came out of the bathroom really sad, feeling defeated, ready to give up. Feeling like the fat *kitten* again. Feeling like I can't do this. The boyfriend was there, hugging me, saying it will be ok, don't give up. I just felt like crying. I wanted to give up. And I think I did-for maybe a day or two.

The last two days I managed to talk myself in to staying to track, to keep trying. (and the boyfriend has been very positive as well, telling me to stick with it.) I won't give up on me. I won't. I can do this. I will do this. I'm gonna have some bumps in this road. But really, when you fall down, you've just gotta get back up. And thats what I am going to do, get back up, dust myself off, and keep going. I got this. (Skinny *****-1, fat girl-0)

Today I ended being 3 calories over. But hey, I think thats ok, I'm not gonna beat myself up over 3 calories. Plus, it was food day at work-so I think I did alright-was hard not to eat all that crap at work, so much dessert goodness! (Skinny ***** 2, Fat girl 0) LOL

As chumba wumba sang back in the 90's....I get knocked down, but I get up again, it ain't ever gonna get me down. Yeah. exactly. Hot momma me here I come. I'm worth fighting for!


  • Unique_ways
    Unique_ways Posts: 26 Member
    Love this!!!
    We all fight the foods we love... I'm addicted to Pasta, Pizza and
    But I want to get back in my clothes and I want to get my sxy back so i'm sticking to eating healthier

    stick with it
  • evanhetu
    evanhetu Posts: 1 Member
    I think of it this way- No matter WHAT I eat, it put it down... It really helps me understand my triggers and keeps me motivated.

    I have been doing myfitnesspal for about 3 months and I am not realy changing all that much but working out more. I have lost only 7 lbs, but I have been indulging for the holidays.

    Keep up the good work and just keep writing it down!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I love this post because it's what a lot of people go through during the first couple weeks. Most people do what you do and just give up. You are rare. Congrats on that.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    You have a great attitude....and lucky you have a supportive boyfriend. You will be ok!

    I didn't go out for a meal for a month after I started my was my birthday. By that time my appetite had shrunk and I felt more in control. :)
  • Kaymart79
    This entire post seriously cracked me up, I love it. I love how positive you managed to stay even after seeing yourself gain, how i am i would've quit. Though, its people like you that keep us all motivated and on track. You can never give up, and never let one day or a week get to you, just gottta do better the next day. Theirs always a new day, always and new start, and always another chance. (:
  • AndreaK0033
    AndreaK0033 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone! I didn't realize that it automatically takes out the bad words. LOL So just go ahead and fill in your own. :laugh:
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm just a beginner at this but I definitely identify down to the whole 'hot mummy' idea! :-) Don't give up! This is a LONG TERM thing. You don't stack on the kilos overnight any more than you can lose a whole stack overnight. It's easy to feel despondent but it's important not to focus on the little number on the scale. It's a whole lifestyle change for a healthier you. Good luck!

    ETA: read this, it made me laugh. And get up again:
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Please stay positive! You have to build yourself a routine that you can stick with in the long run, and that means changing your attitude to food and making this a change in LIFESTYLE and not just a diet.

    You do not have to think of foods as "good" or "bad' that you can or can't have. Since I've used MFP I have gone from 86 to 69 kg and that's without depriving myself. All things in moderation is far better for your sanity and will help you not binge from feeling deprived :)

    Give yourself a couple of weeks really trying at this and you will find that it gets easier to stay on track and make healthy choices. Also, try logging foods before you eat them....sometimes if I feel like something naughty, just seeing the calories is enough to turn me off!

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Occasionally eating pizza or chinese or mexican is okay, keep logging everything. Just keep moving towards better choices more of the time. Also, be aware that all those things you mentioned are usually very high in sodium. Sodium causes water retention, and higher number on the scale. I go up 5 pounds from eating very salty things, even if I have not gone over my calorie goal, and a couple of days later it goes back down again.
  • EQV73
    EQV73 Posts: 41
    What an awesome, funny and honest post. Take your goal seriously but don't take yourself too seriously. Love it!