
Last Monday I did a cross-training class at the gym. We did a lot of hip strengthening exercises. Since then my hip is ACHING..it seems to be getting worse every day and even loads of painkillers aren't helping this morning. Any idea what I might have done and how to help it get better? thanks in advance!!


  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Last Monday I did a cross-training class at the gym. We did a lot of hip strengthening exercises. Since then my hip is ACHING..it seems to be getting worse every day and even loads of painkillers aren't helping this morning. Any idea what I might have done and how to help it get better? thanks in advance!!

    You might have a hip fracture.... I would get a dr to check it out.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Stretch. Also, if your gym has pilates foam rollers, you can roll around on the area and that also helps. (it's like a self-massage).

    You may just be tight from using unfamiliar muscles. If you didn't have any moment of intense pain during the workout, this is most likely what it is.
  • bolsen21
    i agree with the soldier, I say rank but I can't see ti sorry sir. I saw alot of people in basic and ait complain of the same thing, they ended up having a compleate fracture of the illiac or ishium crests or stress fractures in the same regions. got to doc asap the longer you wait the more it's gonna hurt. and don't take pulled muscle for an answer.
  • bolsen21
    i wouldn't do any exercise or stretching until you go see a physician that can make the possible fracture that you have worse.
  • blankcanvas
    I had severe pain in my one hip back in October and kept thinking I pulled something, turned out when i went to the doc and had xrays, I had severe bursitis that had gotten over inflamed and they gave me a steroid shot,,,,hurt like hell for the next day or two but then the pain was gone! Unfortunately i think it's creeping back, I feel it more on the elliptical, but the doc had said I may need another shot...I'm trying to hold out being the chicken that I am and hating needles....:tongue: so for now I'm taking a rx of ibuprofen he gave me for pain, try that it might help:flowerforyou:
  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    I agree go see a doctor as soon as possible, muscle injuries get better not worse over time, they don't ache and unless ruptured shouldn't last for more than a few days.

    Whatever is going on isn't normal and you shouldn't just leave it, it could cause more problems in the long run.

    Hope it gets sorted out soon tho.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Definitely get it checked by a doctor. A lady in our office was walking a lot when her's started to hurt. She went to a dr. that said it was ciatic nerve and told her to keep walking. A few weeks later she could hardly transition from sitting to standing. She went to a specialist and got an epidural injection which didn't help so finally sent back and she had a fractured hip. She ended up having surgery with the possibility of hip replacement if the pinning didn't work. She is under 50 yrs old and in good shape which was the only reason they could try the first surgery. I'd advise you to quit exercising and go the to dr. now.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, I stand corrected. Can you really fracture something and work through it? I frankly had no idea.

    Go to the doc.
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    It is possible it is a fracture. Does the bone hurt or does it hurt more when you stretch? I was thinking more on the lines of bursitis. At any rate, you do need to get checked out if the pain is severe.

    Yes, you can work through the pain of a fracture. I used to run 25-30 miles weekly and I had a stress fracture in my foot. It hurt but after a few miles running there wasn't any more pain (endorphins are awesome!) so I never paid much attention to it until my foot felt like it was going to fall off all the time (except during a run); especially at the beginning of a run and about 20 min after.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I agree with having it checked. And you can break something and work through it - my husband played several weeks of rugby in a hard-hitting position on a broken leg. (The first doctor didn't xray the big bulge on the side of his leg ... we didn't realize that) and had to spend the next 8 weeks in an air cast.

    Go to the doctor, get checked out, and if it's just a lot of pain, I agree with the stretching and massage. But doctor first, and good luck!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Could it really have gotten fractured without my noticing at the time? It didn't start to ache until a day or two later..

    LOL I was really hoping to hear that all I needed was a nice long soak in the tub and a glass of wine...thanks for the good advice!

    Next Q: what kind of doctor should I see? I only ever see my lady doctor (yearly)..I don't have a regular md.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    It is possible it is a fracture. Does the bone hurt or does it hurt more when you stretch? I was thinking more on the lines of bursitis. At any rate, you do need to get checked out if the pain is severe.

    Yes, you can work through the pain of a fracture. I used to run 25-30 miles weekly and I had a stress fracture in my foot. It hurt but after a few miles running there wasn't any more pain (endorphins are awesome!) so I never paid much attention to it until my foot felt like it was going to fall off all the time (except during a run); especially at the beginning of a run and about 20 min after.

    Well, I don't *think* it's the bone..it's not tender when I push on it or anything, it just hurts a lot when I move..especially going up stairs, that's agonizing. I got teary-eyed coming into work today! (cue sympathy ;)) I was on the treadmill last night and it was ok while walking but killer when running...but would feel a little better if I grabbed on it. I iced it after I got home and didn't really notice a difference. It doesn't hurt when I don't move tho.