Can I have a few days off please?

jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I really hate myself for asking this but if I stay within my 2000 calories a day can I have a few days off or is the huge jump of 700 calories going to be damaging? I am a very picky eater and I am getting so bored at the minute.
I am still keen to lose weight but I am so obsessed with calories etc that it is making me depressed because I am looking into everything and if I allow myself a bit of something I am deprived of normal healthy food to stay in my calories.
I know this is a diet site and I do really intend to just have a couple of days off if you all think it is ok but if not then I won't


  • I have a couple of hints for you. One, I eat a small piece of chocolate every day after lunch for a treat. I find that if I get this little treat every day, I am much less likely to go totally overboard at another time. Two, do a search on here and/or other internet sites for healthy, great tasting foods. It CAN taste good, but you may have to look around for those good recipes. Three, instead of several days off, maybe allow yourself one meal off a week. If you are adding a tiny treat every day and finding better tasting healthy meals, you should not need several days off. The bottom line is if you take too many days "off" it just makes it harder in the end. Good luck!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I think it will be good for you because if you get bored then you will probably stray. Usually about every 4-6 mo I will take a week off from working out. I still eat healthy. I will have weighed the same or less the following week. I think you should. I know one year at college i was obssesed with working out I worked so hard to get small and got burnt out. I was working out 6 days a week 2 hrs. a day never took that much time off. I ended up gaining most of it back. That was a few years ago. I am going slow and I take time off!!!
  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
    is 2000 calories your maintanence cals? If it is then I say go for it. ideally you wont gain any weight and you will just maintain and maybe shock your metabolism a bit. Just make sure after a couple days you will be able to get back on the wagon. You want to be able to live with this life style. SHBoss posted something this morning and he said it is about control over the food. So as long as you are conciously making this decision, if a couple days is what will make this lifestyle suitable for you then it should be ok.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i know that i have felt the same way before, but in my opinion there are other ways to get out of the rut other than taking a few "days off". taking days off will only lead to poor portion control and lack of balance. in return, you will most likely will feel not as healthy, which is the opposite feeling of what you are trying to attain. remember, you can still have treats in moderation, just make sure they fit within your daily range!

    what i like to do is go online and look for some new recipes that i think i would enjoy and try a couple out. there are so many recipes out there that are healthy that i haven't even discovered. also, going to the grocery store to pick out new ingredients and new things to try always makes me feel more refreshed. it keeps things exciting and not so boring.

    so don't limit yourself so much! once you find some recipes that interest you, go try 'em out. it can really revive your attitude.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    i know that i have felt the same way before, but in my opinion there are other ways to get out of the rut other than taking a few "days off". taking days off will only lead to poor portion control and lack of balance. in return, you will most likely will feel not as healthy, which is the opposite feeling of what you are trying to attain. remember, you can still have treats in moderation, just make sure they fit within your daily range!

    what i like to do is go online and look for some new recipes that i think i would enjoy and try a couple out. there are so many recipes out there that are healthy that i haven't even discovered. also, going to the grocery store to pick out new ingredients and new things to try always makes me feel more refreshed. it keeps things exciting and not so boring.

    so don't limit yourself so much! once you find some recipes that interest you, go try 'em out. it can really revive your attitude.

    I actually disagree with you a little bit. I take time off to rest. I majored in personal training. You are supposed to take time off every now and then. If you can control your portions and everything still. I can do that I do take time off every once in awhile. I will get bored.
  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    I think in alot of ways my need for a break is not so much the food but the obsession of scrutinising everything and the guilty feeling of having something a bit naughty even though I am in calories. I worry about how obsessed I am. I log on here before I even have a drink in the morning and am here most of the day until I go to bed.
    I just want away from the weighing and measuring and how much this has and that has if you get me. Its not about the fact I want to overeat. Just to be normal! I am not overweight anymore but in a healthy range and have never been overweight only after having children so I am not a binge eater.
  • I think you should take a day off and indulge, and then at the end of that day really think about if all the bad foods really made you happy and were really worth taking in.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    My weekends are my days off!! lol I very rarely log what i have on the weekends because I will be drinking or not watching what snacks i put in my mouth..

    take a day or 2 off here and there - it does you good!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    As a person that has struggled with eating disorders in the past, I would say take a break. Although being aware of what you're eating is a great idea, it's not always in one's best interest to obsess over calories, fat, carbs, etc... The mindset can easily lead to eating disorders and really what is a week or a month off in the grand scheme of things if you're still being healthy? I've never been overweight either, just thought I was and obsessed over every little thing. It would say stop while you still have some sanity :)
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