I'm sure I'm not alone on this one. However, as of lately I've just been SO exhausted. I know part of it is because I have Lupus. I'm not sure how else to overcome this. I've dropped a bit of weight but I'm about 15 lbs from where I need to be but I just CANNOT find the energy to keep going!!!

I was taking Redline shots as a supplement and it worked well but now I can't find it ANYWHERE. I see the drinks but they make me crash as well as those 5 hr things.

Any suggestions? I'm not super big on the numbers that are on the scale I would just REALLY like to get down to a size 8, ideally 6 or 7 and I'm at a 10 right now. Even if it's just words of encouragement. Thanks for reading. :embarassed:


  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Hows your diet look?
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I get exhausted like crazy too from my thyroid disorder. I workout rarely, but have been really watching my calories and whatnot. As long as you watch what and how much you eat, you should still lose, just maybe a little more slowly.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    How much are you eating? Sleeping?
    Could be any number of things, maybe as simple as upping your calories by 1-200 a day or going to bed an hour earlier.
  • I have Lupus and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and I tire easily. I had some blood work done though, and found I would deficient in vitamins D and B-12. Now, I take supplements, and feel much better. I would contact your doc about blood work.
  • Vianco
    Vianco Posts: 8 Member
    I can honestly say that I've been doing really well with my diet. It's hardest when I have company meetings because it's always something the "guys" want. I'm an engineer so when I say "guys" it's because I work with mainly men. They are always wanting the BBQ or Cheddars.... I'm not much of a salad eater.....

    Anyhow, I'll half the carbs, up the protein and force feed the veggies and fruit. Plus I'll snack mainly on stuff like hummas, these new pita chip things and other "bird food" items. :ohwell:

    Water... uh, yes... I'm a soda addict. Diet Coke. :blushing:
  • Vianco
    Vianco Posts: 8 Member
    I have Lupus and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and I tire easily. I had some blood work done though, and found I would deficient in vitamins D and B-12. Now, I take supplements, and feel much better. I would contact your doc about blood work.

    Yes, I've started taking supplements like vitamins, etc. I've elected not to take medication to control pain or any other Lupus type symptoms because as you probably know since there's no cure because they don't know where it comes from or how it comes to be all the meds are technically "experimental". I stay away from foods and ingridients that would and could cause inflammatory issues to minimize symptoms so I eat a lot of "organic". Or try to anyways.

    I'm not sure what it is... I am a naturally light sleeper... I waken with every noise plus it's worse now since the hubs is deployed so I feel like the "protector" for the "just in case". (Others call it paranoia and crazy! :laugh: )
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Yes, I've started taking supplements like vitamins, etc. I've elected not to take medication to control pain or any other Lupus type symptoms because as you probably know since there's no cure because they don't know where it comes from or how it comes to be all the meds are technically "experimental". I stay away from foods and ingridients that would and could cause inflammatory issues to minimize symptoms so I eat a lot of "organic". Or try to anyways.

    My mom has Lupus. The medication for it is Prednizone, and Lupus is an auto-immune disorder. She's tired a lot of the time because her body is attacking itself all of the time. Prednizone is not expirimental, but it's not a cure, and it has nasty side effects (ie. liver failure) so my mom opted to try to control symptoms as long as possible before having to switch. She's also got celiac so has other food issues, but I've noticed when she has a day of good clean eating, the next day she feels fine. The days she feels more tired usually happen when on previous days she didn't eat well, or overexerted. It's a hard thing to deal with and sometimes you just can't do anything but suffer through the fatigue.
  • Megzfitlog

    Water... uh, yes... I'm a soda addict. Diet Coke. :blushing:

    I had the exhaustion too (docs are testing me for Lupus and other AI disorders) AND I was a diet soda addict. I stopped the sodas and was amazed at how much more energy I had. Some days are harder than others, but all the chemicals in the soda HAD to have done something to me. I have one every couple weeks now.