Exercising at home when you live on the second floor



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I have to say that I am amazed at all the comments that state: "Screw your neighbors! Do what ever the heck you want to! They lived downstairs because they wanted to and you can make as much noise as you feel like it! YEAH!"

    I mean honestly people? Have you no respect for your neighbors? When you get a house are you going to be that *kitten* who makes excessive noise all hours of the night and "screw the neighbors! They're the idiots who decided to live there!" I mean lets get real people. Those of you who are saying screw the bottom floor people how would you feel if you had a disrespectful neighbor who made noise, played music loud what have you that annoyed you? Wouldn't you prefer that they come to you and ask you what would be an appropriate time for them to do certain things?

    I would honestly hate to live any where near you people that feel it's ok to do whatever you feel like and screw any one else. Yes, it's an apartment complex and yes there is a certain amount of noise that is to be considered when living there however if you're going to do something that you know just might annoy your neighbors why not be the bigger person, the mature and adult person and give them a heads up? I personally would not want to be the neighbor that everyone hated. But that's just me.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    State laws are a wonderful thing. Here in Oregon from like 7 or 8am to 10pm it is open time for you to do as you please. Exercise, play music, whatever you want (obviously you can't blare music like a crazy person but if it is loud enough to hear over a vacuume than that is still appropriate). I would say *kitten* your neighbors. Between these certain times in many states you are allowed to do normal daily life activities at a higher noise level and they can't say anything. If they do call the cops or the landlord, explain that you were exercising and not doing anything above the ordinary. They can't control your damn life because they are ****s who want it perfectly quiet. If they wanted that they shouldn't live in apartments.

    Ps- I am downstairs in my apartment complex and understand that noise happens.

    That is all fine and good but if they work nights it can disrupt their sleep and when they get home and you are sleeping they can turn around and do things to annoy you. I know where I am there is the noise law between 11pm and 6am are quiet times, however when I worked nights and lived in an apartment building and i had noise complaints because I would get home at 4am and "make excessive noise when I would get home" (basically my shower made noise and it irritated them when they slept.) I calmly went to to the neighbor that complained and explained the situation and they were completely understanding and we worked out times that worked for both of us and didn't cause problems.

    OP have you tried talking to your neighbors to see if they have a time when they are out and you are home, or maybe even explain what you are doing?

    Yea that's the issue we have had so far with our neighbours, the shower. My sister works nights and she takes a bath at somewhere between 1am and 4am. They would bang on the floor very loudly and the final straw was when they banged on the floor and woke my 2 year old up at 1am and she didnt go back to sleep until close to 5am. The rental agent told us that we were allowed to have a bath/shower anytime of day and we finally complained to the landlord and havn't had any issues with our neighbours since.
    We have never met them. I am totally non confrontational and am also shy lol so I don't just knock on neighbours doors, esoecially when they already seem to be very angry people.
    I guess I'm gonna try working out in the afternoons when possible, and when I have the money, buy a mat or a small rug.
  • GatorGirl0890
    GatorGirl0890 Posts: 41 Member
    I live on the bottom floor underneath a family with five young kids. I used to get irate about all the noise, but then I got to know the kids, bought some earplugs for when it's really ridiculous, and got over it.

    I'd suggest getting to know them a bit and telling them about your workouts. I think they'll be a lot less inclined to complain if 1) they know you and feel friendly toward you 2) they know what's going on/about how long it's going to last.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Quiet Workout (from Pinterest. http://pinterest.com/pin/241013017529634052/)

    10 front kicks
    20 uppercuts
    10 lunge kicks (each leg)
    15 squats
    5 kneeling pushups
    40 russian twists
    20 crunches
    10 standing calf raises
    5 tricep dips
    15 glute kickbacks (each leg)
    :30 plank
    20 vertical leg crunches
    :20 side plank (each side)
    10 short bridges
    20 bird-dogs
    5 kneeling pushups
    10 jack knife situps
    20 lunges
    10 squats
    10 standing calf raises
    :45 plank
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    State laws are a wonderful thing. Here in Oregon from like 7 or 8am to 10pm it is open time for you to do as you please. Exercise, play music, whatever you want (obviously you can't blare music like a crazy person but if it is loud enough to hear over a vacuume than that is still appropriate). I would say *kitten* your neighbors. Between these certain times in many states you are allowed to do normal daily life activities at a higher noise level and they can't say anything. If they do call the cops or the landlord, explain that you were exercising and not doing anything above the ordinary. They can't control your damn life because they are ****s who want it perfectly quiet. If they wanted that they shouldn't live in apartments.

    Ps- I am downstairs in my apartment complex and understand that noise happens.

    the middle part of your username is very precise
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    My neighbor makes a lot noise when he works out and sometimes I think he might fall thru the celing but I know he getting healthy and he doesn't do it at inappropriate times... I would say if they complain tell then your exercising...
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I think if you go downstairs and let them know what you're doing, they'd be cool with it. I know I would. You can also lift. No noise what so ever :)

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  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Maybe you could just talk to the neighbors, if you let them know what's going on and that you'll only do it at appropriate hours it will probably be OK. I have a rebounder and jump on it almost daily with no complaints from the neighbors but I think it absorbs enough impact that they might not even hear it.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I do 30DS during the winter months. I lay a towel down ~ for two reasons. Once it's a little bit easier on my joints then my hardwood floors and second it's not as loud when I am jumping around...lol