Why Am I So Hungry Today??



  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I was JUST going to post a topic that says the exact same thing! I am RAVENOUS! I ate a nice sized breakfast and snack, but I am having a hard time waiting until lunch. Think I'll go make a cup of tea to hold me over....hopefully. And go run errands to distract me.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Remember to keep a balanced diet. You need to eat carbs, fats, and protein at each meal. Carbs burn off first (ie why people have sugar crashes...because its a simple carb), fats will burn off next (yes...eat fats, good for you fats), proteins keep you the fullest longer. Also, drink your water.
    How close are you to TOM?
    Caffeine is an appitite supressant (since you've kicked the habit-you are finally seeing your 'real' appitite).
    Good luck.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    How much water are you drinking daily?
  • Remember to keep a balanced diet. You need to eat carbs, fats, and protein at each meal. Carbs burn off first (ie why people have sugar crashes...because its a simple carb), fats will burn off next (yes...eat fats, good for you fats), proteins keep you the fullest longer. Also, drink your water.
    How close are you to TOM?
    Caffeine is an appitite supressant (since you've kicked the habit-you are finally seeing your 'real' appitite).
    Good luck.

    I cannot blame the TOM anymore. Had a total hysterectomy 5 months ago. Yes, I do believe the lack of coffee is playing it's part. My appetite cannot hide any longer.

    I am not much of a meat eater, but tomorrow i will surely attempted a protein packed breakfast.

    Luckily, it is almost lunch time!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Your protein doesn't have to come just from meat. Sometimes for lunch I will eat boiled eggs for my protein.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I have days like that too, and then other days when I could care less if I eat or not. The fact that you gave up your coffee w/ sugar could be having something to do with it too. Your body is craving something, and it's not getting it, so it's going to keep asking for it...for a while anyway. Stay strong! :) It sounds like you've still eaten pretty well today despite it, but sugar induces cravings for more sugar, so you may want to keep an eye on that.
  • How much water are you drinking daily?

    I am doing ok with the water intake, 60 oz or more depending on the day.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Is it that time of the month? I usually get a little hungrier during my TOM. Just throwing it out there.
    Are you stressed out about something in your personal or work life? Stress increases my appetite too sometimes.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Remember to keep a balanced diet. You need to eat carbs, fats, and protein at each meal. Carbs burn off first (ie why people have sugar crashes...because its a simple carb), fats will burn off next (yes...eat fats, good for you fats), proteins keep you the fullest longer. Also, drink your water.
    How close are you to TOM?
    Caffeine is an appitite supressant (since you've kicked the habit-you are finally seeing your 'real' appitite).
    Good luck.

    I cannot blame the TOM anymore. Had a total hysterectomy 5 months ago. Yes, I do believe the lack of coffee is playing it's part. My appetite cannot hide any longer.

    I am not much of a meat eater, but tomorrow i will surely attempted a protein packed breakfast.

    Luckily, it is almost lunch time!

    Take a look at my food diary (I'm a vegetarian-lots of non-meat protein ideas). As for the hysterectomy (sorry to hear that-unless it was a good thing)-but could the hormone supplements (if you're taking any) also be causing the hunger?
  • I have days like that too, and then other days when I could care less if I eat or not. The fact that you gave up your coffee w/ sugar could be having something to do with it too. Your body is craving something, and it's not getting it, so it's going to keep asking for it...for a while anyway. Stay strong! :) It sounds like you've still eaten pretty well today despite it, but sugar induces cravings for more sugar, so you may want to keep an eye on that.

    Yes this is what I suspect could be it. My gut is rebelling and begging me for that fix! It is not going to get it, so it will just have to get used to it. Hopefully SOON, before I eat everyting in sight.
  • Remember to keep a balanced diet. You need to eat carbs, fats, and protein at each meal. Carbs burn off first (ie why people have sugar crashes...because its a simple carb), fats will burn off next (yes...eat fats, good for you fats), proteins keep you the fullest longer. Also, drink your water.
    How close are you to TOM?
    Caffeine is an appitite supressant (since you've kicked the habit-you are finally seeing your 'real' appitite).
    Good luck.

    I cannot blame the TOM anymore. Had a total hysterectomy 5 months ago. Yes, I do believe the lack of coffee is playing it's part. My appetite cannot hide any longer.

    I am not much of a meat eater, but tomorrow i will surely attempted a protein packed breakfast.

    Luckily, it is almost lunch time!

    Take a look at my food diary (I'm a vegetarian-lots of non-meat protein ideas). As for the hysterectomy (sorry to hear that-unless it was a good thing)-but could the hormone supplements (if you're taking any) also be causing the hunger?

    Thanks Maid, I will do that!
    The hysterectomy was definitely necessary and I feel better than I have in years. The hormonal havoc that was going on prior to that, I believe , is at least partially responsible for the pounds I put on. I refuse hormone replacement tho' , so it isn't that.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    How much water are you drinking daily?

    I am doing ok with the water intake, 60 oz or more depending on the day.

    Is that all? 60oz should be bare minimum...
    I would try to up the water intake. 60oz is barely 8 x 8oz glasses of water.
    I'd try to aim for 12 glasses(96oz) of water. It will help you in many ways.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Also it may be easier for you to drink some black tea in the morning as a replacement for your coffee. Regular black tea has between a fourth to half as much caffeine as a cup of regular coffee and I've used it to ween myself off of the coffee addiction I used to have.

    It has just enough caffeine to overcome withdrawal but not enough to make you an addict. I drink about 1-2 cups of black tea a day and I think my next step will be to bring it down to 1 black and 1 green tea/day. I'm not sure if I want to stop drinking tea all together though.

    I have a similar schedule as you in that I exercise at night before bed, and I usually eat nothing after working out (I'll have a slight appetite but it's usually so late that I just want to sleep). The next morning I'll have a very large appetite, so I'd say just go with it but do so slowly - don't chow down and take it all down in the first 15 minutes, pace yourself so that your eating your breakfast over the course of a few hours. That means take down 60% of it in the 20-30 minutes you normally set aside for breakfast and the rest throughout the morning as snacks (have fruit, almonds, etc at your desk).

    If you eat a large breakfast and a large lunch your appetite will balance out such that you won't really have much of a need for a heavy dinner. Oftentimes I'll eat a bowl of cereal and milk for dinner and that's it.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Coffee cravings aside, It could well just be your metabolism kicking in! I have the strong appetite around the TOM, if i have a really low calorie day, the day before or if i got very off track over the weekend and sort of have to detox again LOL. Good luck! I only have 130 calories left to smoke thru the day, so off to work out shortly after dinner lol so i can eat more!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    My 'fix all' for my mid afternoon moment of starvation (hehe) is a package of instant regular or low sugar oatmeal. I mix a bit too much water in it so its not thick and i don't need milk on top, and then once heated, I stir in up to a tbsp of lite peanut butter in. It is so yummy, so filling and not too terribly hard on the calories (about 200 for the brands we have on hand right now) for such a FILLING snack. It has never failed to fill me up.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    i can see that a lot of people have given their opinion with a lot of good ideas. Water, fiber will help this. I believe for me eating an egg with veggies in it help me on hungry days. Lots of water.

    But lately, I have been reading a book that is a huge help for me personally. It is called Life's Healing Choices by Baker.

    I have found that my empty soul is what is making me want to fill it. So I am trying very hard to make myself put reading my Bible and prayer time first in my day. Haven't been doing so well with the kids out of school this week but am trying. Hope this helps. kc
  • Just wanted to thank everyone for the help today. Alot of good advice.

    Supermel, the oatmeal with peanut butter sounds yummy, I will give it a try sometime!

    More more water and a higher protien breakfast is what I am going to be aiming for. Promise Peter.

    Will give some consideration to raising my calories too, karmasBFF.

    I had a PB & J sandwich for lunch, it almost hit the spot. A carrot & cheese stick snack in a couple hours , then dinner in the office looks reasonably healthy tonight. In the end I will probably go a bit over and after the workout will probably just about even out. Won't be far off anyway.

    Getting off the coffee I think has alot to do with it, it's a big adjustment for my metabolism, a shock even.

    Thanks again !

    OH , Just as a foot note. There was something I didn't remember to do this morning that I always do. My vitamins/supplements. I didn't take them this morning, just forgot. I always have the fish oil, vitamin e and evening primrose oil, along with some calcium. Maybe that has something to do with it ..
  • So today I ate a whopping 412 calories for breakfast. A shock to the system for sure. There was an initial hint of queasiness, my tummy just didn't know what hit it. Included a little more than half of my protein calories for the day. So far, yes, feels like that will definitely hold me over for while. What a concept , breakfast! Yay for breakfast. :drinker:
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