I don't like exercise..there I said it ..but I know I have to do it How do you get yourself to do it ??I mean I would rather give birth than get on a treadmill or put in a dvd and sweat

Does anyone else feel this way?? or am I just crazy??? I don't know how to make exercise a habit that I have got to do no matter what, please help!!


  • you just need to find something physical to do... absolutely does NOT have to be the treadmill.... what about hiking? martial arts? jogging? bike riding? even walking?... The really great thing about exercise is finishing your workout... that's what brings you back.
  • cloza12
    cloza12 Posts: 68 Member
    Honestly at first its always hard but the more you exercise the more you'll like it. Find some activity you like or exercise with a buddy.
  • Download a couple of really, really good Albums on your "musical device". And I mean, really good addictive music - the stuff you love, the album that you were counting the days before it was released. The one you rave about, stand in line to get tickets to and you have a poster of the artist on your wall.

    Now, you only get to listen to that when you are on the treadmill. That's it. Step off the treadmill and that music is off.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Find something fun. I hate the ellipical and treadmill, but love Zumba and biking (biking to places, not stationary). Try hiking, a dance class, rock climbing, walking your dog twice as far everyday, something that isn't just exercise to exercise. Or, for when I do HIIT, I listen to audiobooks so that the time passes quicker.
  • questiontheanswers
    questiontheanswers Posts: 170 Member
    I used to think that whole thing about how you get to a point where you crave exercise after you'd been doing it regularly for a while was a crock. It had never become a thing I wanted to do, just something I forced myself to do. I think I was just doing the wrong things/ still in the wrong mindset. I started kickboxing about 6 months ago and something clicked for me - I loved it. Now I feel off if I'm not getting some time of exercise at least 4 times a week or so, which is someplace I never really thought I'd be.

    Experiment with different things to find something you really like doing. Try outdoors and indoors, solo and group exercises. Hopefully you'll find something that you do like to do.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I used to feel like this, too. I hated, hated being sweaty. I'd do just about anything to avoid it. I agree that you just have to find something you like to do. Is there a sport you enjoyed as a kid? One that your friends participate in and you could join? It doesn't matter what you decide to do, moving is moving. You'll do it more often if it's something you enjoy.

    For me it ended up being running, of all things. I like to run races with my sister (who lives a couple of hours away) and I have to train to run races, so I run. And I get sweaty doing it, too.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Just start out with something simple, maybe what you find least repulsive. For me, it was walking. When I started, I did not walk extremely far or fast, but I did not mind it too much. I took my music, and listened and walked as far as I could or I had time for. Now I absolutely love walking, and actually look forward to it. I have gotten into hiking, and sometimes hike 8 or 9 miles at a time. I have also started to add in some other exercise and don't mind it too much.

    You don't have to jump with both feet into something that you don't like. Just try to find things that you do like that get you moving, and start out there . Walking, riding a bike, etc.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I don't like exercise..there I said it ..but I know I have to do it How do you get yourself to do it ??I mean I would rather give birth than get on a treadmill or put in a dvd and sweat

    Does anyone else feel this way?? or am I just crazy??? I don't know how to make exercise a habit that I have got to do no matter what, please help!!

    Would you rather *die*? There are so many health risks associated with being overweight and lack of exercise, that it's fair to say that not exercising will eventually kill you. That's how I look at it, anyway. Think of it not as a chore, but as fighting for your life.
  • Thanks everyone , I have some old tae bo dvds here somewhere and the 30 day shred that almost made me want to cut off my legs they hurt so bad after day3,,but I had forgotton how proud I was when it was over,,that may be my problem with the treadmill there is nothing to tell you its time to quit.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    I have that same problem. I'm only in my second week of REALLY wanting this. Who knows what tomorrow will bring but food is an addiction for most people who are overweight/obese (at least in my opinion and from going to OA meetings). I got the 30 day shred and also bought a used elliptical (which im regretting now because I havent really used it lol). I am only on day 4 of the shred but I enjoy it because I do feel accomplished and it targets so much. I HATED exercising and not because of the sweat but because I was lazy and didn't stick with anything that long.

    Start off small. Remember to take it one day at a time. Don't think about what you're going to do next week until next week comes - unless you are someone who thrives from structure/planning, which is great! The people here are so great and have great input and advice, just start with something, even if it's 10 minutes a day.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thanks everyone , I have some old tae bo dvds here somewhere and the 30 day shred that almost made me want to cut off my legs they hurt so bad after day3,,but I had forgotton how proud I was when it was over,,that may be my problem with the treadmill there is nothing to tell you its time to quit.
    Sure there is! Set it to a specific time or distance and when that is reached, it's time to quit. If the treadmill itself doesn't have that functionality, set an alarm clock to the time you want to stop and put it where you can see it while you use the treadmill. I don't own a treadmill and prefer running outside, in any event. I always have a specific number of miles I plan to run every time I head out the door. I plan my route by today's mileage goal and when I'm done, I'm done. It always helps to have a light at the end of the tunnel!
  • I hate exercising myself. I balance it by having active jobs (1. I work in the automotive industry where there is a lot of walking and heavy lifting 2. I work for a tree company running a chainsaw and other equipment). I also spend a good deal of time hiking and rock climbing. I live in the deep south so winters are mild enough I can do these activities year round. I also swim in the summer and do yoga. I have not once been in a gym nor do I spend my time on a treadmill. Nature is my gym.

    Find something you enjoy and can stick with. Exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym or spending time on a treadmill.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Take a class, experiment with different things. Find something that you might enjoy, like dancing or kickboxing, where you're building a skill to focus on. You keep doing it in spite of how much you don't like it. Then when it's been your normal routine for a few weeks, you'll hate it less. I promise. If you hate it just as much, just log "cleaning" as exercise and there you go
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    I don't like exercise..there I said it ..but I know I have to do it How do you get yourself to do it ??I mean I would rather give birth than get on a treadmill or put in a dvd and sweat

    Does anyone else feel this way?? or am I just crazy??? I don't know how to make exercise a habit that I have got to do no matter what, please help!!

    Would you rather *die*? There are so many health risks associated with being overweight and lack of exercise, that it's fair to say that not exercising will eventually kill you. That's how I look at it, anyway. Think of it not as a chore, but as fighting for your life.

    good point
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Find exercise you do like.

    I hate running/cycling blablabla. It's mind numbing and dull.

    I don't mind swimming or playing rugby etc.

    I love lifting; powerlifting and olympic style as well as general weight lifting for fitness.

    Find something you enjoy.
  • Who does?? YOU just have to do it any way.. Me myself I enjoy it, but I've been doing it for about 3 years. It doesn't get easier, you just get better at it. Don't give up..
  • Espresso345
    Espresso345 Posts: 42 Member
    Congratulatons! You've figured out THE BIG SECRET! Nobody really "enjoys" exercise. They like the way they feel after they're done!

    What works for me: getting my cardio in at 5 a.m. when I'm not really awake. When I do finally wake up, i'm almost done. Adding new music to my iPod and creating workout mixes helps set the mood and gets me through the routine. Using my FitBit - I get really competitive with myself and am determined to meet the goals set by that thing.

    Oh, and bribing myself with lots of yarn if I finish my weekly targets. Bribes TOTALLY work.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I would definately work out than give birth lol!! Just keep at it you might not have found what is right for you, keep trying new things you might surprise yourself and start to enjoy a sport, class or a workout program. I didn't think I'd like weights, but actually enjoy it now.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Take a walk. Seriously, turn on the ipod and just walk.

    I hate repetitive dvds and doing the same thing every mother lovin' day.

    With walking/hiking, I can explore new places and make it "new" every day. I'm lucky enough to have like 10 miles of trails and two lakes next door to my house, so every walk is an adventure.