College Student On A Journey To Lose Before May Grad!

Hola everyone!!! My name is Meaghan & the topic is self explainatory ! I'm 22 and a senior in college trying to shed some pound before May graduation so I can walk across that stage and look like a hot tamale! I'm an elementary education major w/ a second course of study in spanish & currently teach an amazing 1st grade class! Not only am I young and want to look good, I also want to do it to stick it in the bud before heallth problems may occure because of obesity ! So feel free to add me & we can go along this journey together! =):smooched: :tongue:


  • HI! My name is Val im a social science ed major and Im also looking for some support with weight loss by the end of the semester. This term was a rocky one found myself gaining about 10 pounds I need help! We should be buddies =]