diet clinics and fast loss'

hlanders Posts: 50
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Wondering....I have a friend who has lost 30lbs in like 3 months through a diet clinic. She is down to 700 cal. a day
Why is it that she has lost so much. People say that while your body is in starvation mode loss is halted...yet...I look at her this week and she is down 4 more pounds...What the HECK
I am at my 1200 cal a day...and exercise 4-6 times a week....and not near that kind of movement. I am down a pound in the last 3 weeks. I know know to eat up my exercise cals(I can start eating more cals to loose more) Hard to register to eat more when i exercise...then see her and she is sitting off the weight....


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Well it looks like to only have 15 pounds to lose correct? If your friend has already lost 30 than she must have more to lose which means that yes she will lose quickly but it won't necessarily be all fat plus its not healthy what shes doing and it will be much easier for her to gain it back than you if you do it the right way :smile: Don't get down, stick with mfp and be strict on what you eat and the scale will move, have the measured?

    ~Leash :heart:
  • well you are doing it the healthy way and she is not (in my humble opinion). it is generally not ever recommended to go lower than 1200 calories, so 700 calories does not sound very healthy to me. i think that it is also common for people who lose weight really fast to gain it back really fast as well. she is not going to be able to stay at 700 calories forever! eventually she is going to eat again! losing weight slowly, but surely by eating right and exercising is the best way to do it and people tend to keep it off much longer this way. don't worry about her and just keep doing what you're doing! you're on the right track! :o)
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    So exactly what is her plan? Is it just food? No exercise? Diet pills? Sounds like she is losing fast which is not good. If she is taking pills they could be destroying her organs. I would rather do it my way, lose slowly, exercise and keep it off. I'm on the Food Lovers Plan, check it out at I've lost 45 lbs in 4 months and 44.5 inches.
  • Oh ya, I know I am doing it the healthy way....But I want the awnser to how she is flying off the pounds...What the heck ...If I eat under 1200 cal my body weight has no shift. She is totally in starvation and the weight is coming off.
    I know I feel great...I have done those diets since I was 30 and still battling weight issues. I have 15lb to loose. Maybe 20 lbs to be optimal.
    I just cannot figure out this whole starvation diet ...from a science point of way.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Everyone's body is different. Can some people lose weight eating practically nothing? Yep. Is it healthy? Nope. Some years ago, my brother's girlfriend starved herself skinny. She started losing her hair, had no energy, was sick all the time- the same thing often happens to those who have gastric bypass and lapband surgeries.

    When you're starving, your body starts eating into muscle reserves, and you literally waste away.
  • She is on's not you it's your metabolism....they say..
  • Wow congratulations on that!
    You must be proud of yourself!
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