im 205lbs 5'2 &need friends. please read

I weight 205 pounds and really want to lose as much as I can. I want to be around 130 pounds. I'm a stay at home mother of one. I'm 19years old. and obesed. I don't have my own car and no money togoto the gym, I do own a workout dvd called 30 day shred by JM. I just feel to lazy to do anything and its hard with my son he is always up my butt if i do try and do the workout. I'm getting married OCT. 20th and would love to be at least 140pounds so that gives me around 9 to 10 months. im in size XLarge shirts and size 16/18 size jeans and i do have a pair of jeans size 13 and I fit them last year around christmas time. and i love them and i want to beable to fit them again.. I hate looking in the mirror. tell you the truth I start to cry everytime i look at myself because knowning I have lotts of pretty clothes actually like 3 big boxes of clothes that i loved to wear and now since im so big i cant. i never want to really go anywhere because i know people look at me and think "wow, shes FAT and cant fit her own clothes"... I hate being big.


  • KalynJohnson
    KalynJohnson Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Kalyn Johnson and I live in Cedar Rapids IA. I am 25 years old and weigh 257 lbs as of today. My heaviest was 265 and it is SO HARD being a big girl. I was 170-180 in high school so I don't have dreams of being 130-150 or anything...that's just not me. One thing I know about myself that we have in common is my negative inner monologue. You've got to find a love for yourself, maybe not for your body right now but you've got to love that girl on the inside and know who SHE is. How strong she is and what she has to share with the world. Then you've got to see your body as a vessel that serves you and you've got to give it the proper nutrients and let it get some exercise. I do vieos at home a lot too (or used to...have to start working out again).
    You can do this!! Work hard and LOVE YOURSELF!
    Kalyn J
  • GettingHealthy2013
    Hi, I am 18 years old. I weight 230. Feel free to add me!
  • conleeper
    Girls girls girls, you 3 can lose the weight, trust me it can happen, you just have to really want this so bad that you let nothing stop you. It's going to take hard work, determination and patience.

    I weighed 204 pounds back in May, right now I am down to 169, I am 53 years old and on medication that causes weight gain. If I can do this I know you 3 can. Just believe in yourself and get started, it's all about eating right and moving your body. Good luck to all of you.

    You can do this!!!!!
  • wendydav3
    Hi. don't give up! I started out weighing 240 and I am not down to 176. I still have a ways to go but I am getting there. I have worked hard. I won't lie to you. It is hard work. I first started out by going to my local gym and paying for a membership, went and bought all the clothing and shoes and things I thought to be neccesseries. And in the end I lost all of my weight at home!!!! You don't need a gym. I worked out to a Tae Bo dvd and did a lot of walking. Most of my walks my son joined me so that was a plus.
    It's a long hard road and at times you will ask yourself if it's even worth it. I know I did but I made it through it. You are going to fall. Everyone does.. Don't give up. Instead plan for the fall and when it happens jump right back on track. It's not the fall that hurts. It's how long it takes you to get back up again. Truth be known one day of weekness will not hurt you but several days will. Don't give up. Don't talk yourself into giving up because you gave into weakness for one day. Just pick yourself up and get yourself back into gear. Please feel free to add me. You can go through my food log if it helps. I am watching mostly my protein and sugar intake right now and this seems to have helped me the most! I have lost a lot of weight just by keep my sugar intake down and my protein levels in normal range. Good luck to you.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Don't give up--you can do this!

    I also stay at home, and as long as you have the internet--you can exercise--youtube is FULL of videos you can use--for free!

    Feel free to add me :)

    I still have 50+ lbs to lose and I am 5'2 as well.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I'm 218 lbs ( a size 18 pants) - the heaviest I've ever been. I used to weigh 125 ( I am 5'6,) and was a size 10-13 depending on the brand. I do realize that 125 was pretty small for my frame, but I want to get back down to that weight, because that was the weight at which I felt the most confident. I just started yesterday, and our goals are pretty similar, so feel free to add.

    It seems impossible, but it can be done.