Planning on getting Tattoo, should I get buff first?

tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
Hi guys,

I am thinking of getting a Tattoo to celebrate and as a sort of memorial as well because my wife had a miscarriage. Its affected me deeply and have thought alot about this , I have come up with my own design. I think I am happy ish with my weight now have gone from fat to fit (albeit not at BF i want yet need to lose another 6-8% to ge to that magic 8-10% range).

My question is, should I wait till I start to increase size of my muscle before getting tattoo? I was slightly worried that if I get now and get really buff it will ruin it somehow. Anyone out there with experience of tattoos taht could answer this for me.

I am thinking of getting it on my Arm.


  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I went from a size 9 to a size 14 to a size 2 all with the same ink and it looks the same...

    I suppose it could make a difference on where you got it, the detail in it, and what you plan on doing with your body (ie getting a bicep tattoo that has a ton of detail only to plan on getting huge biceps might distort the detail)

    but generally for the average person, you're fine.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    I went from a size 9 to a size 14 to a size 2 all with the same ink and it looks the same...

    I suppose it could make a difference on where you got it, the detail in it, and what you plan on doing with your body (ie getting a bicep tattoo that has a ton of detail only to plan on getting huge biceps might distort the detail)

    but generally for the average person, you're fine.

    Not planning on getting crazy like Arnie or anything but wanting to get to about I dunno 16-17 inch arms from 14 at the moment. The tattoo I designed is a cross and not that hectic on detail really. Am hoping to just have shading and such to make it stand out etc. Be my first one so I am kinda excited and also hoping will help me deal with all the crap in my life this year. Draw a line underneath it etc.

    Your tattoos look awesome , so nice that now tattoo are more accepted for the art they are.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    If it's important and meaning ful to you, get it now. Just wait to show it off until you are comfortable with your body.

    Also, your wife's wedding dress is absolutely gorgeous (as is she).
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    My question is, should I wait till I start to increase size of my muscle before getting tattoo?

    you should wait until you get thrown in prison or join the circus
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    first i think youre an awesome husband for remembering your baby. Sadly mine doesnt and it hurts. I think you should get the tat now.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    What a lovely gestrure and I'm sorry for your loss.
    I wouldn't worry about the tattoo changing shape, esp as it will be on your arm. Unless you plan to get HUUUUGE arms.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    If you were thinking of getting your tattoo somewhere where the muscles may eventually change how it looks (say on your side or abs, where the actual muscle could change how the light hits it) I would wait, but if it is going to be somewhere like an arm or leg, that will still stay roughly the same shape, just larger, go for it.
    Tattoo's are a great way to celebrate the hard work you have put into getting a beautiful canvas.
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    I got my tattoos when I was 18; they're on my shoulder and back. I've lost 13 pounds so far, and I've toned up quite a bit. I've seen NO change in my tattoos. But is honestly depends on where you get them, really. But based on what you've said, you'll be just fine.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    If it's important and meaning ful to you, get it now. Just wait to show it off until you are comfortable with your body.

    Also, your wife's wedding dress is absolutely gorgeous (as is she).

    Thank you very much, she is amazing. It is a Susan Neville dress. Cost a fortune but she is worth it lol
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    first i think youre an awesome husband for remembering your baby. Sadly mine doesnt and it hurts. I think you should get the tat now.

    Thank you for saying and sorry to hear that he doesn't but it may be he finds it hard to show. I could not even acknowledge what happened for a good 2 weeks but , trust me when I say this , I was feeling it. I just did not know how to cope or how to deal with it. Luckily for me and my wife we somehow compensate each other depending on who is struggling the most.

    Peace to you and I hope it gets better for you.
  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    Good artist are hard to book lol. Spoke to one but booked up till march :s
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