Gluten Free and/or Sugar Free friends??



  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    You likely just have an intolerance to gluten. It seems to be more prevalent these days. Celiac's is actually very rare.

    I am GF because of an intolerance but I do eat sugar. GF cupcakes are really yummy.

    I think its trendy
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    You likely just have an intolerance to gluten. It seems to be more prevalent these days. Celiac's is actually very rare.

    I am GF because of an intolerance but I do eat sugar. GF cupcakes are really yummy.

    I think its trendy

    I think some people think it is. Which is pretty silly. I don't know why people would give up pizza and beer for fun. Luckily, many GF pizzas and beers are pretty delicious. But the kind of people who give up gluten for fun aren't usually still eating pizza and beer anyway.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    People get their panties in a bunch when they hear the word "Paleo" and they feel like they MUST tell you not to do it. It's fun.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    You likely just have an intolerance to gluten. It seems to be more prevalent these days. Celiac's is actually very rare.

    I am GF because of an intolerance but I do eat sugar. GF cupcakes are really yummy.

    I think its trendy

    Yes, that must be it. Diarrhea and bloating are such great trends to follow.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    You likely just have an intolerance to gluten. It seems to be more prevalent these days. ...

    The "just an intolerance" to gluten is still an immune reaction. It often follows a different pathway and has more of a brain-gut connection (and corresponding issues/injuries), but it is just as serious as celiac. It seems to be more prevalent nowadays for two main reasons: 1) there is finally more awareness of it in the medical community so people no longer have to wait 11 or more years (on average) to be diagnosed AND 2) the engineering of wheat to have higher gluten content (to make commercial bread easier to make) has drastically increased our exposure to gluten.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    What do you mean sugar free?

    I am gluten free, soy free, dairy free, coconut free, and now only do raw sugar or honey or agave sometimes stevia. Never artificial sugars no splenda or aspartame or any of the others on the market. I am seriously sensitive to chemicals.

    I haven't been logging my food as of lately but I am always up for new recipes as I do not love to cook.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    I am sending you a friend request. : )
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    gluten free here. feel free to add me
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm not a girl but i can share my recipes too.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    I found this tread very interesting and helpfull...thaks for the leads...I have had allergic issues since I was 16 and was gven a cortisone shot for a ganglia cyst (wrist)...started out the next day with allergies to soap and hair care products, then perfumes and dyes, then chemicals, etc...15 years aog I started to have intestinal issues...too much info if I describe,..... a year ago, I started having issues with all my turned out I was sensitive to the inactive ingredients in the generics...when I adjusted these the intestinal issues subsided....after that I started having issues with gluten...had a great big negative reaction to eating bread the night before Thanksgiving.....the following week I had a DR appt and told her what had happened...she did a blood test which came back negative...but between us we decided to do the other tests...I have been trying to stay away from any obvious gluten and ave been watching for gluten in everything and if I eat something that even has been pkg'ed in a facility that has pkg'ed anything with gluten, I break out real bad, get really fatigued, and my lips get red and swolen...I have had some tests, so far I have overactive galbladder, no stones, minor gastritis, minor diverticulitis, ecxema on my I definately have to try to be gluten free...I had a colonoscpy but they didn't look into the small intestine, just the large I have to go back for the other test for Celiac...I would like to also have friends that are having gluten issues...I do not cook, everything in the house house has gluten, LOL...I have better luck eating out at the corner restaurant....they work with me so that I can order safely....I seem to have had a problem over the last 6 months or so with absorbing nutrients...I double up my multivitamin, for example, and I feel much better, aslo whenever I eat soup at this I am taking a handfull of suppliments to make sure I am actually getting my nutrients...It has been absolutly awful....and I do love my pasta....oh well...
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi There,

    I am looking for female friends who eat gluten free and/or sugar free. Would be great to share recipe and meal ideas and just general support. I only just started on gluten and sugar free I have a tough few weeks ahead of me!


    I decided to go wheat-free/gluten-free after I read the book "Wheat Belly" by cardiologist, William Davis, M.D. I went sugar-free some time before that. I am hypothyroid so losing body fat is particularly difficult for me but since going wheat-free last May, I have lost 24 pounds and I'm pretty sure it was all fat as my waist has shrunk by six inches! Whoopee! I will never go back to eating wheat and sugar. My gouty osteoarthritis has improved dramatically and my fasting blood sugar has gone from being "pre-diabetic" to normal blood sugar levels. My other blood values have improved significantly as well. My triglycerides are very low, my HDL (good cholesterol) is high and my LDL (bad cholesterol) is low. I feel better than I have felt in a long while. AND my thyroid function has improved! I have been able to cut my thyroid medication back by half.
  • Tiabean86
    Tiabean86 Posts: 38 Member
    Due to a very recent diagnosis of Celiacs I am also gluten free. It's a daily fit just because it is so hard to avoid. I have become very attached to my sweet potatoes though lol. You can add me if you wish. I would love someone to bounce ideas and recipes off of. :)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I am currently on a supervised VLCD which is free from wheat. After two weeks on this diet I realized that all my joint pain is gone. This happened during a juice fast I did recently too. The only thing I can think of is the wheat products that I'm completely avoiding now. I'm preparing to have weight loss surgery in a few months and even after my tummy heals, I'm not going back to wheat or other products containing gluten. I feel just SOOO much better without it.
  • Taimarra
    I'm not full on gluten free, but slowly working my way towards it due to dietary requirements of my roommate (we buy/cook/eat together) I'd love more GF friends :) Feel free to add me.
  • Jacquelinemph
    Hey Gigi,

    I'm teaching a course on staying sugar free from Jan. 1-March 8. There will be daily support from me and everyone else in the group. Feel free to join if you like:
  • Marie12059
    Hi, i do both. i am following the wheatbelly book, and am also vegetarian for years. only 2 items from being vegan, but not gonna go that far. i am new here and would like friends on similiar eating patterns.TYVM, Marie
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    You are welcome to add me if you'd like. I am trying gluten-free for my 8 yr. old son. It's been really hard as he doesn't like the gluten-free bread or pasta, so I'd love more support on the gluten-free plan as well.