Lose with Weight Training



  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Same here, I do very little cardio.
  • LiftBigtoGetFit
    LiftBigtoGetFit Posts: 3,399 Member
    << only cardio I ever do is basketball 1 - 3 times a week and that is only because I like to play. other than that I watch my diet and lift heavy.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I do 10-15 minutes of cardio as a warmup but the majority of my exercise is weightlifting. I also do a lot of hiking and biking on weekends.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    You will lose weight with a calorie deficit, regardless of whether it is only on the supply end or if there is an assist on the output (exercise). Weight training does have some (minimal) caloric burn since it usually causes the heart to increase; that being said, the main thing about weight training is building muscle. Personally, I do both weights AND cardio... Others are more focused on weights alone... Depends on your perspective. Lifting weights can actually slow progress on the scale since you are gaining lean body mass -- However, you at the same time will lose inches.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    People who are serious about losing weight (and keep it off) lift weights. =)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You will lose weight with a calorie deficit, regardless of whether it is only on the supply end or if there is an assist on the output (exercise). Weight training does have some (minimal) caloric burn since it usually causes the heart to increase; that being said, the main thing about weight training is building muscle. Personally, I do both weights AND cardio... Others are more focused on weights alone... Depends on your perspective. Lifting weights can actually slow progress on the scale since you are gaining lean body mass -- However, you at the same time will lose inches.

    I understand your intent is good...but some of your information isn't. Yes...you will lose weight on a caloric deficit. No...you will not build lean body mass on a caloric deficit. If utilized properly, lifting weights will slow progress on the scale simply because the majority of the weight lost is fat (which, by volume is substantially lighter than muscle).

    The benifits of weight training are mostly hormonal, and have little to do with the calories in vs. calories out equation (control this via diet!!). Simply put...lifting weights tells your body (via hormones) 'I need this muscle!!'. Your body then responds by targeting fat stores for the fuel needed to make up the caloric deficit induced by your diet.
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    Amazing results
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I do resistance training to look after what muscles I have and cardio to look after my little ticker.The rest is diet defecit; but making sure I am putting in sufficient carbs and protein to fuel and repair and enough fats to knock off the hunger. It's working slowly but surely.
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    YEP! I can't do cardio due to knee problems. Here's my results so far.....
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    YEP! I can't do cardio due to knee problems. Here's my results so far.....

  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    that is one of the best cases i have seen for weight training. I have knee problems too. Did you start with machines and then switch or did you go for the barbells from the start. Please friend me if you have room on your list as I would love to know how you did it and how long you took. Thanks!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    <----no cardio. Because I don't enjoy cardio.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    I don't do cardio (because I hate it) I create my small calorie deficit with food and lift weights because I enjoy it, it gets me strong and changes my body in the way that cardio doesn't. All you need to lose weight in a calorie deficit.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    I'm a glutton so I do Cardio for the fact it allows me to eat more and stay in a deficit. Otherwise I'd drop the cardio and only do the lifting.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Cardio is strength training for your heart and lungs
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I have.

    I did a transformation contest where I did NO cardio. Only weights, 3days a week. Back in my late 20's early 30's...I always thought I couldn't put muscle on. What really happened was I was doing way too much cardio and just didn't trust the weights. I stayed skinny but at the expense of spending an hour running. So this time I wanted to see if I could do the same thing with no cardio to lose my pregnancy weight.

    Did it. Won 1st place in a fitness contest. (lost about 30 lbs) ANd I realized...I'm not a fragile chic. I can put on muscle just fine and LOSE Fat with weight training alone. Granted I wasn't eating a ton. Cardio for me stokes the appetite and I think that was a huge contributor towards me losing weight. No cardio- I ate less without thinking about it becuase I just wasn't hungry. Weight training for me doesn't make me hungry like cardio did. I still don't do cardio. If I do, it's usually kettlebell swings. But my marathon running days are over. Weights are where it is AT. I am pretty much the same size now as when I did cardio but I look WAY better.

    Not trying to pimp my own podcast(ok, slightly but I won't mention it here on this thread.) I talked about this very thing. I talked about ditching cardio and just doing straightup weight training...I'll send a link if you pm me.
  • bobbypierce
    bobbypierce Posts: 3 Member
    Only lifting, no cardio. 72 lbs lost and counting.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    <----no cardio. Because I don't enjoy cardio.

    I second this!!
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    I have.

    I did a transformation contest where I did NO cardio. Only weights, 3days a week. Back in my late 20's early 30's...I always thought I couldn't put muscle on. What really happened was I was doing way too much cardio and just didn't trust the weights. I stayed skinny but at the expense of spending an hour running. So this time I wanted to see if I could do the same thing with no cardio to lose my pregnancy weight.

    Did it. Won 1st place in a fitness contest. (lost about 30 lbs) ANd I realized...I'm not a fragile chic. I can put on muscle just fine and LOSE Fat with weight training alone. Granted I wasn't eating a ton. Cardio for me stokes the appetite and I think that was a huge contributor towards me losing weight. No cardio- I ate less without thinking about it becuase I just wasn't hungry. Weight training for me doesn't make me hungry like cardio did. I still don't do cardio. If I do, it's usually kettlebell swings. But my marathon running days are over. Weights are where it is AT. I am pretty much the same size now as when I did cardio but I look WAY better.

    Not trying to pimp my own podcast(ok, slightly but I won't mention it here on this thread.) I talked about this very thing. I talked about ditching cardio and just doing straightup weight training...I'll send a link if you pm me.

    I LOVE your story!!!
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    I just started lifting. Can we have more motivations "before & after" please? :bigsmile: