Cardio + Strength Training... or straight Cardio?

I prefer both. Usually on the same day. It's just what gets me through an hour and a half at the gym.

I've heard people that swear by one or the other for weight loss. I understand it's a personal preference: Would I rather drop fat quickly without toning it, or would I rather drop fat less quickly but have a firmer body? I know what I prefer.

My typical gym routine:
40-45 min hill routine on treadmill @ 3.5mph
20-30 min of various strength training (I like leg press, hip adduction/abduction, calf extension, overhead extension, overhead press, abdominals)
10-15 min running on treadmill @ 6.5mph

There's been days when I swore I'd just do cardio... but then I'd want to do something worthwhile between the hill routine and the running, instead of sitting. And then I'd swear I'd just go do strength training... and I'd want to get my heart rate up so I'd do the hill routine 1st. By the time I realize it, I've done cardio and strength training 4 days in a row.

What do you guys find works for you? What gets you through? (:


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Most people will suggest you lift before doing cardio if you must do them on the same day, but even better if you can do them on separate days. I prefer to just focus on lifting/strength training, but every few weeks I'll run 3-5 miles just to maintain the ability to do so and when it's nice outside I'll ride my bike. Occasionally I'll go on the elliptical at the gym on those days where I decide I hate myself.
  • Excepticon
    Excepticon Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe tomorrow I'll hit the machines and weights before I step on the treadmill - thanks for the tip! And as for doing them different days, I always try to but my body ends up doing both the same day. I figure at least that's better than not doing anything at all!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Most people will suggest you lift before doing cardio if you must do them on the same day, but even better if you can do them on separate days. I prefer to just focus on lifting/strength training, but every few weeks I'll run 3-5 miles just to maintain the ability to do so and when it's nice outside I'll ride my bike. Occasionally I'll go on the elliptical at the gym on those days where I decide I hate myself.

    This is good.

    To the OP...your comment here:
    I've heard people that swear by one or the other for weight loss. I understand it's a personal preference: Would I rather drop fat quickly without toning it, or would I rather drop fat less quickly but have a firmer body? I know what I prefer.

    Seems a bit backwards. Strength training has a far larger effect on bodyfat in the short term (and, in my experience and the experience of those I work with...the long term as well) than cardio. One young lady I trained from here on MFP did cardio and a typical big box gym trainer's 'lifting' routine (much like yours) for months, lost 20lbs, and looked very much like she did when she started (just a little smaller). When she started working with me, I cut her cardio, put her on a 5x5 lifting program (high weight, low reps, only 1hr a day 3x a week), and increased her food intake. She went from barely fitting in a size 12, to easily fitting into a size 6...

    In 30 days.

    Oddly enough, she only lost 5lbs or so...but it was ALL fat.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I used to just do cardio, but over the last couples weeks I've got a new routine...

    I do HIIT (usually on elliptical or arc trainer) for about an hour or until I burn sufficient calories!

    Then I'll do lunges, wall sits,, kettle bell squats, use the leg extension and leg curl, and then do crunches and the plank!

    Haven't been doing it long enough to REALLY tell if its the best routine, but I hope so!?? I want to lose fat, not weight!
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    Actually, why not do both almost at the same time? there are different exercise templates I use but the easiest one to understand & manipulate is called a ladder. you pick a certain # of exercises & then do 10 of each one, 9 of each one, 8 of each one, 7, 6,5,4,3,2,1 of each... then back up to 2 of each one, 3 of each, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10. You end up doing just over 100 of each.

    I use this template when i just want to work arms, or abs or legs. And I alternate 1 strength & 1 cardio so that while my heart rate is dropping, i'm doing strength & right when it gets back down to 150 or so, i get it back up by doing the cardio reps.

    although my cardio isn't just treadmill but all muscle building cardio (kettle swings, squat jumps, jumping lunges, burpees, jumping jacks with dumb bells)... and then my 'strength' could be dumb bell dead lifts, triceps dips, push ups, bilateral shoulder presses. if you do a 6 exercise ladder, its about 40 minutes. good luck
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I lift 3 times a of the week I mostly do group fitness classes (kickboxing, cycle class, body attack, pump, balance etc) personally I think a mix works good for me...I seem to get good results when I do a decent amount of high cardio with some weight work :)