Tough Mudder.... ahhh!!!

So I got to know my vet pretty well these last few months because my horse had a pretty bad injury (she is doing well now though! :) ) And with all this time we connected because we both like to run and she mentioned that she had done a half marathon a couple times before. Then she mentioned that she and a friend were going to do Tough Mudder, and asked if I wanted to join. Not knowing what I was agreeing to, I enthusiastically said yeah sure lets do it! She sent me the link to sign up and I now feel like I want to throw up. Tough Mudder looks SO intimidating!!

I am in OKAY shape. I can run 3 miles semi comfortably and I can do some strength stuff. I am nowhere NEAR what I can see from the videos. I have eight months to get ready, and I am freaking out. I DO NOT want to be the out of shape one of the group who has trouble completing. Is eight month enough time?!?! Have any of you guys done a Tough Mudder??


  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Havent done one yet, but signed up to do one next June. Need to do a lot of work on my fitness but i will do it its my big goal.

    Go for it, once you complete it imagine the sense of achievement you'll feel.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    8 months is a good amount of time to train. Work on your upper body strength for sure!! Maybe sign up for one of the other races before TM to get yourself used to some obstacles. You can look into Rebel Race, Savage Race, Rogue Runner, Spartan Race, Warrior Dash and many others. To me, theses are kind of like "baby tough mudders" lol. You can do them as 5 or 10 Ks. It'll be a good stepping stone to prepare yourself. I did Rebel Race in October and absolutely LOVED it!! My goal is to do Tough Mudder at some point next year. Good luck!!
  • stanluoser
    Tough Mudder is not a race but a challenge. You challenge and conquer obstacles. Strangers that are also in the race will be helping you along the way! Do not feel intimidated. I did this when I was 200+ pounds and it was the first challenge I did. It was amazing and the experiences I had doing it. Doing another one in Boston.
  • vharding7
    vharding7 Posts: 48 Member
    I thought that's what she meant, something more like the Warrior Dash until I got to the website and my stomach got a huge knot in it lol Thanks for the responses it really helps to hear that others are doing it/have done it as well, and that it is possible for normal people, not just crazy in shape monster athlete people (although they are awesome and I would like to be at that point someday! ) :D
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Yeah, if you can run 3 miles you could complete a tough Mudder today. Remember, there's an obstacle every half mile or so, so you will waiting (resting) in a queue for your turn. Plus there will be walking. Lots of walking.

    You'll do great