I need vegetarian protein!



  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    ... and you'll HAVE to take a vitamin with B12 as it is not produced in any vegan food sources.

    Most processed vegetarian foods (soy milk, vegie burgers, whatever, even some bread) contain B12. You definitely don't need vitamins for this if you find some kind of food that's had it artificially added (I guess that's like having a vitamin tablet in your milk, but you don't have to get it from the drug store).

    Having said that, I'm vegan and prefer whole foods (not necessarily raw, but not so much processing. I found my calcium and iron levels quite low until I thought seriously about what I was eating (again... I seem to have to remind myself every couple of years). So pay attention to your micro nutrients, not just the cals, carbs, fat, protein.

    Oh, and btw, you definitely don't need as much protein as most people around here seem to think. 1g / 4lb body weight may be on the low side, but for most people its enough. It wont cause you to fade away, that's for sure!!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    ... and you'll HAVE to take a vitamin with B12 as it is not produced in any vegan food sources.

    Most processed vegetarian foods (soy milk, vegie burgers, whatever, even some bread) contain B12. You definitely don't need vitamins for this if you find some kind of food that's had it artificially added (I guess that's like having a vitamin tablet in your milk, but you don't have to get it from the drug store).

    Having said that, I'm vegan and prefer whole foods (not necessarily raw, but not so much processing. I found my calcium and iron levels quite low until I thought seriously about what I was eating (again... I seem to have to remind myself every couple of years). So pay attention to your micro nutrients, not just the cals, carbs, fat, protein.

    Oh, and btw, you definitely don't need as much protein as most people around here seem to think. 1g / 4lb body weight may be on the low side, but for most people its enough. It wont cause you to fade away, that's for sure!!

    Yes, but it will be unlikely that you will get your RDA of B12.

    One of the main reasons I went back to a veg lifestyle after being a vegan for 3 years was the lack of calcium (I just couldn't choke down the horse pills) and micro nutrients. Another reason I take a very basic daily vitamin.

    I agree on the protein (although I do strive for 60-65 grams a day).