The Confectionary Declination

I wrote this for people who work in an office like me. I kept is short and sweet on purpose. I hope you enjoy it and yes I do appreciate input that I can use to help me improve. :happy:


The Confectionary Declination
Written By Joseph P. Weeks

I know they work hard, to make treats for all.
I hear them talking as they pass in hall.
They baked a new kind of cookie, hoping I’d try it.
But I have to decline because I’m on a diet.

It’s never easy to walk past the plate.
They smell so darn good and I know they taste great.
The truth of the matter is I have a goal.
I want back the body my gluttony stole.

It was ever so perfect back in my youth.
But now it reflects the whims of my tooth.
The soda and frosting has taken its toll.
Now I’m far too young to feel so darn old.

I don’t think I’m better than anyone here.
But to get back my courage I must face my fear.
I’m not making a statement that says you must too.
I’ll do this for me and you do for you.
