What to eat with smalls cheese/herb stuffed mushrooms?

I purchased some fresh cheese and herb stuffed mushrooms because I have never had stuffed mushrooms and months ago when I asked people told me to try them a bunch of ways. They are delicious by the way, so thanks everyone! I tried them in my omelets, fried in olive oil, butter and garlic (the spice) as directed and I love them now. So anyways, the point is I need something to eat with them, but since I have never had fresh stuffed mushrooms I have no idea what would mix well with the flavors. I'm vegetarian, but I eat meat substitutes and make my own versions of normal/non-vegetarian dishes. So far I know we have (in our fridge or freezer) the makings of italian sausages (which I think sound like the best idea?), chicken patties/cutlets, sloppy joe, tacos, veggie burgers and some other stuff, but I'm not sure if my ideas will taste okay. I was thinking maybe italian "sausage" with the mini mushrooms, which are stuffed with white cheese & herbs, and maybe a side of marinara used as a dip? Let me know any ideas or if you think those flavors would mix okay. xo :] Also, what vegetables would go well with this if you know? lol. or should I make the sausage with spaghetti and have the mushrooms as a small hors d'œuvre since they're little and we're only have them as a side with a main. Well, anyways, suggestions would be really nice! P.S. My husband is picky and can't stand veggies, but he likes mushrooms. I am trying to make them a little appealing for him since I don't think he has ever had a fresh one either.