Looking to Give/Recieve positive feedback & Support!

My name is Krista. I'm a stay at home mom of 3 boys. When in highschool, I weighed only 115. When my husband got back from his 1yr deployment in Iraq (and after 2nd child) I weighed 150. Since we had so much "Catching up" to do when he got home, I put on almost 30lbs and had never been so upset with myself. After having baby #3, I got Seriously lucky and lost a quick 20lbs (leaving me at 162). I had struggled with that weight for 1.5yrs..Couldn't lose 5lbs to save my life! Finally, by Sept of this year I decided enough was Enough. If I wanted to look better, I Had to make it happen. Talked to a friend/nutritionist, altered a few things in my diet, and as of today (12/19) I weigh 149lbs!! Sure, 13lbs isn't a Ton, but I'm excited to know I have done it alone and without dumping so much money into a personal trainer! I know this weight loss thing is Hard, Emotional, and Frustrating. Without the help of a few of my amazing friends, I don't think I could have gotten this far. So, I want to be that support in return. I have a fairly good knowledge of diet tricks and proper exercise form if anyone has any questions and I'd be happy to try to help you! Good luck in your endeavor and please feel free to contact me :)