Holiday Wishes

BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
Received a Beautiful Christmas card this morning and wanted to share! Happy Holidays to everyone!

“May we break down boundaries, tear down walls, and build on the foundation of goodness inside each of us.
“May we look past differences, gain understanding and embrace acceptance.
“May we reach out to each other rather than resist.
“May we be better stewards of the earth, protecting, nurturing and replenishing the beauties of nature.
“May we practice gratitude for all we have rather than complain about our needs.
“May we seek cures for the sick, help for the hungry and love for the lonely.
“May we share our talents, give of our time, and teach our children.
“May we hold hope for the future very tenderly in our hearts and do all we can to build for bright tomorrows.
“And may we love with our whole hearts, for that’s the only way to love.”


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