need help calculating calories burned


I need to know something. I was in NYC walking all day long. From 73th St. to 77th (Museum of Natural History). Spent 5 hours walking in the musuem. Afterwards we walked from 77th to 57th and 5 ave. We walked back to the car from 57th to 70th street.

How should I calculate?


  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Well, it's too late now, but when I know I'm going to have a day like that, I wear my Garmin sports watch and let it calculate how many miles I've walked. It gives a calorie estimate too. Which I may or may not use (it doesn't use my HR because I didn't buy the HR strap).

    But, when I don't think of doing that, I enter half the elapsed time as moderate walking. My rationale is that this sort of walking has a lot of stopping and starting so it's not worth as much as going for a walk as a workout where you are walking intensely the whole time.