Wedding in August

Hi everyone!

My sister told me about this site and I already love iiiit! I always work out, but I never realized how many calories I actually eat in a day. Holy guacamole. I have high hopes that this will get me down 19.8 pounds in 184 days...just in time for my wedding at the end of August! Although I know my fiance loves me just the way I am, I sometimes look at pictures of myself and think blaaaghhh I used to be so much thinnerrr...and I certainly don't want to think those thoughts when we look back on our wedding pictures! haha Maybe that's not the healthiest way to think, but I just know I've been better! I lost about 20 lbs with weight watchers last year, but just got kinda bored with it and stopped doing it so gung-ho. Luckily I only gained 4 lbs back since then, and now I'm looking forward to MFP helping me get out of this same old, same old eating/exercising rut, and lose the rest that I want to lose!

Best wishes to everyone on their road to weight loss...I love reading everyone's success stories!


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  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Good Luck TMCneil923! Being aware of what you eat, has made all the difference to me!:laugh:
  • karamae
    karamae Posts: 136 Member
    Yes you can do it! I lost about 20 pounds in 6 months and didn't go at it to hard. Just mostly watched what I ate. My sister's wedding is in July and I'm the maid of honor. I really want to lose another 10-15lbs. Good luck!
  • Corbinsmom
    Welcome, I bet you will be very sucessful. MFP is wonderful, everyone is so encouraging and everyone understand the battle and the journey your one. The food tracker was an amazing eye opener for me. I really had no idea the calories I was consuming. Go for it and have fun!
  • tmcneil923
    Thanks everyone! :) Karamae - you'll make it!

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