Anyone Else Have a Skinny Boyfriend/Partner ?



  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    When my fiancee and I stared dating, I was 300 pounds, 170 pound MORE. Never once in my relationship I've even felt unsexy or fat because of my partner. I've always been told how much I'm loved and how sexy I am. I couldn't ask for anything better.
  • Chessie24
    I've normally dated people who were of the same weight of smaller than I was. When I started dating my husband 6yrs ago she was only 15lbs heavier than me. After awhile I was 10-15lbs heavier than him.. Now he has 60-65lbs on me. He has loved me and been with me through my heaviest times and I'm grateful for that. The man can eat, he always wants to bulk up and cut weight but enjoy him just the way he is. A guy's gotta be sturdy.
  • AislinnKitten
    AislinnKitten Posts: 18 Member
    My boyfriend has been fit since we met and started seeing each other, and has only gotten more fit since then, haha. He he very nicely built and plans on getting bigger, stronger and healthier where as I feel like I'm a human potato next to him. Although I know he loves me as I am, it doesn't make looking at our pictures any easier when I look like a beluga next to mister tall, dark and handsome! haha. It does make me feel self conscious at times when I go to have a snack or if I finish first or even after he's done eating, and well any situation that involves food really, haha. It's something along with a couple other things I'm working on dealing with, haha. Luckily he's a great bf to me and does his very best to make me know he thinks I'm beautiful as I am, whilst motivating me to get to where I want to be. Got to love that fit *kitten*! haha.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Heh, mine has cycled most of his life, so guessing that is one reason, and he is just a very odd build. Pigeon chested which makes his bones show more, which makes him look thinner, very narrow build and has no interest in being bigger or stronger. He simply has accepted he is a puny wimp and claims he tried weights and the like and it changed nothing. He is almost 6 foot and only between 147 and 154Ibs, usually below 154. I did get him up to 160 at one point by buying him extra food, but I cannot be doing that forever, the cost was phenomenal, lol.

    He will eat 6 eggs in one go, or get through a whole packet of cookies and some stollen, but then not have anything else til dinner, so I suppose that is part of why he is thin, but then he claims even eating 3 big meals a day, nothing changed and he is just the way he is.

    I tend to like to snack after dinner, that is my eating style since I stay up til 2am or so and dinner is around 9.
    I am certainly fretting about xmas as he is coming with me to my family for the first time, and I feel, given my insecurity, I will end up feeling unable to eat when I am hungry, if I am the only one eating at that time. I am that insecure about it. Obviously, I do have some eating disordered thinking patterns, and having a thin bf has certainly bought them out to a pretty bad point. I am still at least around 14Ibs less than him, and only an inch or two shorter, but in my eyes, still bigger.
  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    My husband has been the skinny one for 6 years..i felt weird like we didn't belong together. He's a pretty attractive man and always thought he could do better, but he told me how beautiful I was through it all. he's been such a support system. I finally have smaller hips and waistline then him.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    I've always been attracted to skinny guys. My first husband was skinny when I met him, but started to gain weight over the years. By the time we divorced, he was obese. Of course, this was not the reason for the divorce, but I have to admit, I was not attracted to him at all in the end. Not only is my second husband skinny, but his whole family is! They are also all very health conscious, which has helped me to pay more attention to what I am eating. My goal was to get to the weight I was when we met, and I've achieved that goal. Now the question is, can I maintain it? I'm hoping so.
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    My boyfriend is quite skinny. Doesn't really make me feel any different about myself...I do that to myself. He never gives me a hard time, he eats more than I do, but that doesn't bother me. Actually, he's lost some weight because of the dinners I prepare now. I tell him he has to take the initiative to eat more throughout the day and at lunch, but he doesn't. He really doesn't have any more weight to lose! So I worry about him not getting enough.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    We're friends now, but when we dated I did feel self-conscious, always. It was never anything he did specifically, I just hated taking pictures with him because it was like the number 10 (him being the skinny 1 and I being the round 0).

    He never made me feel like he was judging me and often told me how beautiful I was, but my self-esteem has always been a bit on the low side.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    It effects me only because he eats A LOT of food and doesn't gain anything, ever. *grumbles* But that's the only reason why it bothers me.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I am taller and heavier than my bf and I know my weight bothers him a lot. We look like an odd couple in photos.

    He doesn't understand eating back burned calories or eating several small meals throughout the day so I feel very self-conscious and I am not eating enough some days. He is trying to be supportive and tells me he is proud of what I am doing to get fit, but I also get "it's about time" vibes from him. We have been together 10 years and I was 170 when we met (not thin but looked pretty good), but he didn't realize I had recently lost weight... which I soon gained back. At my heaviest I outweighed him by 40 lbs. Honestly, I think I embarrass him but some of that is coming from myself.
  • sandervan85
    Sounds like me I never understood how people develop emotional connection with food. But I do empathize with people who do I know that makes it very difficult to lose weight. What women need to understand is that if your significant other is with you then they're obviously fine with your looks. However, I do think it is good to be motivated to become healthy and active I motivated my GF although she was skinny she's motivated now to become healthy and eat better.
    My boyfriend is currently having a challenge with another guy at the gym to see who will be the first to hit 190 lbs. They are TRYING to gain weight, and STRUGGLING. It makes me want to tear my hair out. :) But the thing I'm most envious of is that my boyfriend just doesn't see food the way I do... although he appreciates good cuisine, most of the time it's fuel for him and nothing more. He rarely has cravings, and never binges (though even if he did, he could probably use the calories). He just doesn't seem to think about food if it's not in front of him.

    I don't feel weird or self-conscious around him though (well, I do, but I would regardless of HIS size), and fortunately he's very concerned about eating healthy so we don't usually keep junk in the house, so at least that's helpful.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member

    I'm the opposite. A skinny man who can eat and eat and eat and never gain weight just annoys me. It's so unfair!

    Oh me too definitely!! I meant a guy who can eat, but looks like he does too haha.

    But what is more annoying than those guys, is the ones who just never eat!! I have a guy friend who literally went 25 hours without eating coz he forgot, and then had like 4 bites when he was 'starving'. The hell!!

    I mean I can eat like a horse coz of pcos, but come on!!
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    When my husband and I dated he weighed 185lbs and he is 5'11" and I weighed 250lbs and am 5'7". The longer we dated we both started packing on the pounds. It wasn't until we had been together 2 years that I knew I needed to do something for me and not because he was smaller than me. In the 2 year time I had gotten up to 297lbs and he got up to 220lbs. I am now around 154lbs and he has continued to gain and is around 240lbs. I always felt bad when I saw pictures of us together because I look considerably larger than him. Now he feels self-conscious around me because I have lost so much weight. No matter what we have always loved each other for who the other person was and that is the most important!
  • AmberLee2012
    I did weigh more than my husband at one point when I weighed 199. He usually weighs in around 185 - 195. He is a drummer in two bands and most of his body is solid muscle (except for a little beer gut). He also is a machinist in a machine shop and so must of his day is spent on his feet lifting things. We do a lot of things in the summer to keep active like walking and bike riding but that slows down for both of us in the winter. We are kind of in a rut right now so I hope we can break it out of it soon. He could probably lose 10 lbs or so and I want to lose about 35-40 more.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    My husband ( been together for 8 years ) has always been skinnier than me. He has more self control then me as well. Yes I do feel bad, or guilty when I would eat more then him. But he never judged me for it, and he never made me feel bad or guilty, I made myself feel that way because of how self conscious I am about how much I eat. ( or well used to eat ) I don't feel like that anymore because I have more control over myself. so I do not feel self conscious about how much I eat compared to him.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    My ex was skinner then me and I had no issues with it.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    When I was 40lbs heavier I dated someone who was pretty skinny. My self-esteem is obviously my own to deal with, but damn if having a skinny boyfriend didn't help. Also, he rarely ate anything. He never got excited about food and he could either eat dinner or not and not care. Those 40lbs I gained mostly during my relationship with him. Even though I was kind of a Fat F, even just suggesting dinner to him and having him go "eh I could eat I guess" made me feel like a fat F

    I wouldn't really mind having a skinny boyfriend (my current SO is "average" in terms of body type) but I will never again be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love good food.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    Omg my husband is so the definition of this! skinny and can eat whatever he wants! but then he will also go like all day without eating and not even think about it!
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    Omg my husband is so the definition of this! skinny and can eat whatever he wants! but then he will also go like all day without eating and not even think about it!

    I meant to quote nickyfm with this reply
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I could never date a man who made me feel fat. I love a man who can eat. Makes them more manly in my eyes.

    When I was at my slimmest at the beginning of this year, my bf at the time was bordering on chubby, and I adored him. But his size didn't matter to me. A lot of the time he would tell me that he wanted to feed me up coz I was too skinny. I loved it!! :laugh:

    Agreed! I have never been attracted to a real skinny guy. I like a guy with a heaftier build and that has some meat on his bones... ;)