juice diet?

hey guys--i just watched "fat, sick, and nearly dead," which is about juicing and detoxing your body. i'm starting to replace one meal a day with blending a purely vegetable and fruit smoothie with some ice and water to make sure i'm getting more of my nutrients, etc. but, i'm wondering if other people have tried this, and what health benefits, other than losing weight, people have experienced? thanks!


  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    There was a skin rash on my hand for 3 years after a battery acid exposure that cleared up after a few days of juicing.
    Energy level vastly increased.
    Tons of weight lost.
    Feeling SUPER happy.
    Plantar fasciitis pains went away.
    All body/joint pain went away.
    Taste buds got reset.
    Mental clarity increases DRASTICALLY.
    Amount of crap in colon greatly reduced.
    Just to name a few benefits.

    Now, sit back and watch the MFP members who have never tried it tell you that it wont work for anything....
  • jstandfield
    jstandfield Posts: 150 Member
    I juice every morning after a run. Excellent way to get your vitamins and minerals naturally.
  • spramn
    spramn Posts: 67 Member
    Try it and see how you go. Everyone will have different results, many factors involved. I would recommend obviously focus on being accurate when logging the foods and ensure your still hitting your protein and fat macros.

    Depending on your current weight and body fat%, if your not eating enough protein as you loose weight, you will also loose muscle mass and water weight. This may or may not be a consideration for you depending on your goals.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,152 Member
    There was a skin rash on my hand for 3 years after a battery acid exposure that cleared up after a few days of juicing.
    Energy level vastly increased.
    Tons of weight lost.
    Feeling SUPER happy.
    Plantar fasciitis pains went away.
    All body/joint pain went away.
    Taste buds got reset.
    Mental clarity increases DRASTICALLY.
    Amount of crap in colon greatly reduced.
    Just to name a few benefits.

    Now, sit back and watch the MFP members who have never tried it tell you that it wont work for anything....
    I juice every morning, truly, and I will say that spilled beet juice on clothing will come off if you get to it quick enough and use san pellegrino, seriously, it works.:wink:
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
  • Juicing and Blending aren't the same thing. You can do a little research to decide which is best for your goals.

    Either way you go ..... this:
    Excellent way to get your vitamins and minerals naturally.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    I juice every morning to keep up my health, and when needed at dinner time, like tonight... recovering from cold/flu that my daughter brought from school. I managed avoiding getting cold from office where everyone was sick, but did get it from my child. I am having speedy recovery and attributing it to drinking fresh home made juice. I had 2 days of feeling pretty bad with flu, and now on the third day I am almost back to normal.

    My dog looks forward to juicing as well :laugh:

  • lizbennet
    lizbennet Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone. My juicer that i bought comes tomorrow. My husband and i have been doing a lot of research and we're looking atdoing a cleanse starting tomorrow. Several books recommend actually having a meal in the evening and/or adding a whey or protein powder to your juices. We're interested in keeping the fibers the juicers typically extract, so we will probably do a combination of both juicing and blending. I plan on having a meal on Christmas eve and Christmas day, but only meat and steamed or fresh veggies/fruit. Although I can't deny I'm a bit mesmerized by the possible weight loss, I'm really interested in it for its potential health benefits. I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, and no one seems to be able to help alleviate my symptoms. I used to run half marathons, and now I just want to sleep all the time and my body hurts, etc etc. So, I'm basically sick and tired of being sick and tired. I want my life back, and I think this might be a good jump start to cleaning out my body and starting over. I also am interested, like one person said, in what I might be allergic to that I may not know or have enough reaction to to notice. So, I think I'm going to try a 7 day cleanse, making sure I get enough protein, and see what happens. I'm always interested in what people's thoughts are, so feel free to keep them coming....or just send me condolences. I'm sure by day 2 or 3 I'll be hating life and wondering why I did this! :)
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Your body need more than juiced fruits vegetables and meat protein, you are ignoring most mineral rich foods and essential fatty acids.
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    I was just going to post the same thing! lol :)
  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member
    I started my weight loss journey by watching that movie. Here are some points to consider.

    1) don't drink your calories. Some of the fruits you use get their fiber blasted away so sugar control is a concern if you blend everything. However, it's still good (this is a relative point). Not a fruit example, but carrots are extremely sweet, but it's okay to eat carrots whole, but when its container is no longer, you are receiving the sugar a lot faster.

    2) this is still a ketogenic diet, some will argue that a water only fast would make you achieve your goals much faster as your body doesn't have to process anything. You always have time to eat whole plant foods after your water only fast.

    3) it is more difficult to lose weight as juicing gives you 600 to 700 calories a day vs a water only fast.

    4) juice fasting is still a great way to diet, but Joe, in the movie makes money selling you that blender he brings with him and tries to sell you. Try finding cheaper blenders, it is a mess to clean up, no matter which one you use.

    Good luck, juicing has its advantages!
  • impojr
    impojr Posts: 52
    I've always wanted to try juicing together my foods! Unfortunately my blender sucks, so until I buy a vitamix I'm just going to have to settle with lumps of kale in my smoothes
  • jennieb823
    jennieb823 Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone know some really great juicing recipes?
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Anyone know some really great juicing recipes?
    Carrot Parsley Apple Ginger

    Kale cucumber apple ginger lemon celery

    apple lemon

    I had one with beet last week that was delicious, i just threw what i had together, and it came out great. After a while, you just develop a sense, and start making good drinks with no recipes. It's best to just play around. You WILL make some nasty drinks sometimes, everybody does, don't let that discourage you.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I've seen that documentary and loved it. Juicing has great health benefits for sure. I did a 7-day juicing goal last week to help supplement my diet, I liked the way it made me feel. Good luck and happy juicing :)