User looking for new supportive friends on Fitness Pal

:bigsmile: I am new to fitness pal and I am looking for supportive friends....nothing competitive please.

Quick facts about me, I have been on a healthy lifestyle since 2011 of Jan, I have already lost 18 pds and I am going for more to get to my goal weight. I work hard during the day, but make time for myself at the gym after work, Zumba class in the evenings, and even walking at work if I can get it in.

I ran my first 5k last year and fell in love with running then I suffered an injury that came about after working out so hard and now the bone in my foot to my big toe I discovered from the foot dr is misaligned and causing pain even when I will be coming up next I got frustrated, discouraged and lost track of myself for about a month. I now have been reading and reviewing articles on how to work around that and I am back to my old self and motivated :) And my boyfriend who also works out hard has been very supportive and showing me interval training I can do to work around it.

SO, with that being said, if you can understand life has it's ups and downs, are not a critical person (lord knows I have seen enough of the former site I was on...cough cough which I will not name) and are here to support others, please be friend me!! :)

Hope this doesn't steer anyone away, but I am just being honest that going forward I want friends that are positive and not gonna call me out because life happens. ;)


  • Zedusa
    Zedusa Posts: 31 Member
    After reading your post I would like you to motivate me!!! Sounds like you're very active. I'm still not at a very active level. I do an hour of walking almost everyday. I want to kick it up but my knees still ache a bit from all this weight,
  • SuperMammaLeah
    SuperMammaLeah Posts: 93 Member
    She is a great person to be friends with! Has been such an inspiration for me personally! You will not regret friending her! <3
  • I would love to be your buddy on mfp and offer support and encouragement. That's what it's all about in my opinion. Sending you a request now. :) Have a blessed day!
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I totally get that life happens... you can check out my profile if you like, if I fit the bill feel free to add me!
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Friend request sent :-)
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Feel free to add me! I can use all the motivation I can get and I will do the same in return :smile:
  • hborn
    hborn Posts: 12
    I am new to using MFP on a regular basis and would like to add some friends as well. I am currently trying to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and this week I've can tell a difference in the way my clothes fit. YAY!
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    Add me! I can totally understand how life has its ups and downs. I had a knee injury last year for 9 months, and I still struggle with getting back the full motivation I had pre-running! :)
  • Hi, add me please! We as a collective group can support each others and hold each other accountable with a GREAT support system.
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    :bigsmile: I am new to fitness pal and I am looking for supportive friends....nothing competitive please.

    Quick facts about me, I have been on a healthy lifestyle since 2011 of Jan, I have already lost 18 pds and I am going for more to get to my goal weight. I work hard during the day, but make time for myself at the gym after work, Zumba class in the evenings, and even walking at work if I can get it in.

    I ran my first 5k last year and fell in love with running then I suffered an injury that came about after working out so hard and now the bone in my foot to my big toe I discovered from the foot dr is misaligned and causing pain even when I will be coming up next I got frustrated, discouraged and lost track of myself for about a month. I now have been reading and reviewing articles on how to work around that and I am back to my old self and motivated :) And my boyfriend who also works out hard has been very supportive and showing me interval training I can do to work around it.

    SO, with that being said, if you can understand life has it's ups and downs, are not a critical person (lord knows I have seen enough of the former site I was on...cough cough which I will not name) and are here to support others, please be friend me!! :)

    Hope this doesn't steer anyone away, but I am just being honest that going forward I want friends that are positive and not gonna call me out because life happens. ;)

    Hey there,

    I would like to commend you on your weight lost and resilience from your knee injury. I understand how it is like to discouraged. I believe you can make it to your fitness goal with your incredible strength and determination. You can add me for sure.

    Best wishes,
  • eirenical
    eirenical Posts: 2 Member
    I could also use some supportive friends!

    I started running when I was at my heaviest--about 230 lbs and about 6 years ago--and have also suffered a few injuries that kept me off my feet at times. As you said, life happens! I'm currently in an off-running phase (short-lived I hope) after developing some knee pains this fall, but am also looking for a spring-time half marathon to run. Having a goal always help keep me motivated!
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Supportive like a bra over here. Always glad to have more fitness pals.
  • photogal375
    photogal375 Posts: 149 Member
    Friend Request sent! :)
  • 32ONEGO
    32ONEGO Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations on sticking with it. I've got support for you and would like the same in return. Good luck!
  • loriepaulin
    loriepaulin Posts: 88 Member
  • I'm always in need of new friends to fight the fight! Anyone feel free to ADD ME!
  • Hi there!

    I agree.. life does happen! Your post is very encouraging to me... to think that you had such a major thing happen, and yet you are forging ahead with your goal!

    I love making new MFP friends... feel free to add me if you'd like!! :smile:
  • I love this! Looking for supportive friends too.
    Sending a request.
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    positive mfp friends are a must:)
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for more friends! :happy: