Iphone 4s vs Iphone 5..



  • FlyFishinX2
    Personally I'd never buy anything made by crApple, years ago I had an Ipod touch,got bored with it in 3 weeks and then sold it on ebay. Two weeks ago I bought the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and all I can say is it is the most amazing phone I have ever seen or owned, the only issue is that it is capable of so much that it will take me years to figure everything out.

    My phone has become a conversation piece many times now when I whip it out on public, people have been fascinated and amazed and the crApple owners become instantly jealous.
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    I love my 4s with the software update. I love the compatibility with my equipment. I've seen the 5, not impressed.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    I'm on my 3rd iPhone.. I had an original iPhone, an iPhone3 (neither of those did I use as an actual phone though, I used them more for apps and as an iPod.) Now I have an iPhone4 that I do use as a phone.. and I love it.. the battery seems to me to last forever compared to the iPhone 3.

    I got a great deal because I'd waited so long to upgrade my old Verizon phone that the iPhone4 itself was free.. and I got the smallest data package so even though it only runs a few apps and doesn't have a ton of space it's unlimited data and long distance for only $40 a month with Verizon.

    But the small amount of room on it matters-not-at-all to me because I still have that old iPhone3 which has TONS of space, so I use it for apps and as an iPod.

    This way I don't have to pay for all that space I have on the old iPhone3 and the new iPhone4 I use primarily as just a phone except for a very few favorite apps and albums.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I moved from a Palm Pre Plus (I know, I know. - but I loved the Palm OS!) to the iPhone 5 so I really can't compare it to the 4 or the 4s. I have no problems with the battery life of the 5, even when I spend hours playing games. The new 'lightening' connector on the 5 is great - much smaller and no worries about which way to insert it.

    IF you're going to move to an iPhone - why would you even consider going with the 4 or 4s, both of which will be obsolete in a few months?
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Back to the topic of the iPhone 4s and the 5

    I have the 5, but I upgraded from the 4. The 5 is 100 times better than the 4. So, there's that. The 4s and the 5 are different in size, and the 5 has more processing power. I think all the functionality of the iOS 6 can be accessed on both. The battery life of the 5 is markedly better than with my 4. Again, I'm not sure what the 4s did in terms of battery, but i didn't ever have any real battery problems with the iPhone 4 either.

  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    As an IT geek, I would steer clear of the iphone. Battery life is terrible! I used one for a month before I sent it back. I fail to understand why anyone wants one of these things. It USED to be because Apple had all the apps but that is no longer the case as Google Play is brilliant now. If you want my recommendation, go with an Android phone. HTC or Samsung are both good. If I had to choose between the two I would always choose HTC over Samsung.

    Look at it in another way... HTC have always been a telecommunications company. What they do is MAKE phones! Apple and Samsung have their fingers in too many pies to focus on the technology.

    I guess there is the cool factor with Apple... but I dont think it's cool that people are essentially buying what was supposed to be a mini tablet that had a phone interface stuck on it.

    Phone companies make phones... Apple makes errrrmmm... computers?

    The battery on my iPhone 4S is better than the HTC Android phone I had before it.

    As to the original poster... just get the 4S. It's cheaper and close to the 5.
    Or wait unil March and get the next apple phone (5S or 6).
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    As an IT geek, I would steer clear of the iphone. Battery life is terrible! I used one for a month before I sent it back. I fail to understand why anyone wants one of these things. It USED to be because Apple had all the apps but that is no longer the case as Google Play is brilliant now. If you want my recommendation, go with an Android phone. HTC or Samsung are both good. If I had to choose between the two I would always choose HTC over Samsung.

    Look at it in another way... HTC have always been a telecommunications company. What they do is MAKE phones! Apple and Samsung have their fingers in too many pies to focus on the technology.

    I guess there is the cool factor with Apple... but I dont think it's cool that people are essentially buying what was supposed to be a mini tablet that had a phone interface stuck on it.

    Phone companies make phones... Apple makes errrrmmm... computers?

    As an IT guy myself(greek not by choice), i agree for the most part. The iphone is just a fad, the "COOL" thing... what's so special about it, seriously think about it?? The only answer someone can probably come up with "it's cool."

    Like the ipad, just a giant ipod.

    Every time a new Android phone comes out I go to Best Buy or Verizon to see if it can make me switch, and every time I'm let down. Just because something has more bells and whistles does not mean it is a superior product. The iPhone is a Corvette and the Android phones are Camaros.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I just got the 5 last week and I absolutely love it. Don't get a 4s, that is silly. It's old news. Get the 5.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    As an IT geek, I would steer clear of the iphone. Battery life is terrible! I used one for a month before I sent it back. I fail to understand why anyone wants one of these things. It USED to be because Apple had all the apps but that is no longer the case as Google Play is brilliant now. If you want my recommendation, go with an Android phone. HTC or Samsung are both good. If I had to choose between the two I would always choose HTC over Samsung.

    Look at it in another way... HTC have always been a telecommunications company. What they do is MAKE phones! Apple and Samsung have their fingers in too many pies to focus on the technology.

    I guess there is the cool factor with Apple... but I dont think it's cool that people are essentially buying what was supposed to be a mini tablet that had a phone interface stuck on it.

    Phone companies make phones... Apple makes errrrmmm... computers?

    As an IT guy myself(greek not by choice), i agree for the most part. The iphone is just a fad, the "COOL" thing... what's so special about it, seriously think about it?? The only answer someone can probably come up with "it's cool."

    Like the ipad, just a giant ipod.

    Every time a new Android phone comes out I go to Best Buy or Verizon to see if it can make me switch, and every time I'm let down. Just because something has more bells and whistles does not mean it is a superior product. The iPhone is a Corvette and the Android phones are Camaros.

    What i did with my galaxy s3

    galaxy s3 to the tv, playing video games. Above is donkey kong for Super nintendo

    with a blue tooth controller.
    mario 3 for nintendo not attached to the tv.

    Still waiting for an iphone to do this.

    As i originally said, the iphone is simple, so if you just want to keep things simple then it's a good phone. If you want to do fun crazy stuff, then android is the way to go.

    Thats awesome... I can't lie
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I just got the 5 last week and I absolutely love it. Don't get a 4s, that is silly. It's old news. Get the 5.

    You suck.
  • Hrcules
    Hrcules Posts: 74 Member
    Didn't read anything but the title. But the iphone 4 sucks more than the iphone 5. Go android!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    neither.. samsung sIII
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    iPhone 5 all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!! Droid sucked for me. I had a iPhone 3GS for 2 1/2 years and loved it the whole time. I went over to a Samsung Galaxy 2 and had that for a year. Great phone but not as amazing as the iPhone. I had constant issues with apps not working and calling out the phone would freeze for seconds before connecting. Tmobile was horrible coverage as well which didn't help. I went back to AT&T and got a iPhone 5 and have been blown out of the water. iPhone is the phone for me.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Either iphone is great, a good choice. I've been using them since the beginning and am an iOS developer so I know a few things about them.

    In terms of general performance, usage and features the 4s and 5 are pretty close. The 5 has one more core on the GPU but otherwise they perform about the same for most average tasks (although it is technically much higher performing, most apps dont take advantage of that yet).

    The 5 beats the 4s in the following ways: it is lighter and a bit thinner, using them side by side you'll feel the difference. The 5 has a widescreen, this is the new standard for iphones going forward and is more futureproof as more apps will be written for the widescreen display. The 5 is more damage and scratch resistant than the 4s, both can be damaged but the 5 just handles it better. The 5 has a better camera, both will take good pictures, but the 5 will do them about 20% better. The 5 has twice as much memory as the 4s, again more future proof.

    Otherwise you'll be hard pressed to come up with many real differences. For me the #1 improvement from the list above is the fact that its slightly lighter, the 4s by comparison feels like a brick. We are talking about very small numbers here, 112g vs 140g, but you feel it in typical usage. The 2nd most important improvement is the slightly bigger screen. Its hard to beat the iphones for color and display quality.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I don't know why some people decided to turn this into an Android vs the world argument. The OP wanted to know about the 4s vs 5, not "why is android so geeky-awesome-superior and iphones so loserish". Android vs iPhone debates belong in another thread.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    As an IT geek, I would steer clear of the iphone. Battery life is terrible! I used one for a month before I sent it back. I fail to understand why anyone wants one of these things. It USED to be because Apple had all the apps but that is no longer the case as Google Play is brilliant now. If you want my recommendation, go with an Android phone. HTC or Samsung are both good. If I had to choose between the two I would always choose HTC over Samsung.

    Look at it in another way... HTC have always been a telecommunications company. What they do is MAKE phones! Apple and Samsung have their fingers in too many pies to focus on the technology.

    I guess there is the cool factor with Apple... but I dont think it's cool that people are essentially buying what was supposed to be a mini tablet that had a phone interface stuck on it.

    Phone companies make phones... Apple makes errrrmmm... computers?

    As an IT guy myself(greek not by choice), i agree for the most part. The iphone is just a fad, the "COOL" thing... what's so special about it, seriously think about it?? The only answer someone can probably come up with "it's cool."

    Like the ipad, just a giant ipod.

    He's an IT guy, he's a chemist. Are you Bruce Banner good sir?