Is new.... sorta

Good day folks,

I have been lurking the past couple of months and decided that I would pop out of the woodwork and say a big "hi" to everyone. :smile:

I have been struggling with my weght since I was a teen. Though for a period of time in my late twenties I was much lighter, I realized what it was that helped me along the way. You see I joined this research study to help people lose weight (no drugs were involved simple calorie counting and exercise) and managed to get down to 145. But now i am back up to 235. :sad:

I believe it worked for me because of a great bunch of ladies and guys that had each others backs, to give encouragement when needed and a a few helpful hints that I did not think of. And after checking out this great bunch of people I believe I may have found that again.

So glad to meet everyone. Feel free to add me.