Movies 101

In a previous post, I shared how difficult it has been for me to go the distance on a treadmill. I get very bored and have no desire to jog beyond 30-33 minutes (5K). I have been trying to get myself to go at least 45 minutes (4.5 miles), something I normally don't struggle with if I was running outside. However, it's too cold for me to jog outside so I found the next best thing...a treadmill at my gym.

Many suggested watching a movie (because while music is cool but it hasn't really helped me much). Today, I decided to watch SWAT on Netflix. I noticed a difference. The time did go by faster and there were certain parts in the movie that motivated me but then there were points where there was too much talking and I just got bored again. I only jogged 3 miles.

I can only watch Movies that are available on you have any suggestion for a good movie that will give me 45 minutes of excitement that will help me get through a boring workout session?