Serious question about my scale...



  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    I recently moved and the floor here is different than my last place (from vinyl flooring to hardwood), and my scale is showing a 3 lb gain difference. I know I haven't gained 3 lbs because I checked the day before the move, and the day after the move.

    However, it's been about a week and the number is starting to drive me crazy. I know that I haven't gained weight, but seeing that number above the 140 mark is really ticking me off and demotivating me.

    It's an analog scale, so my question is...if you were in my position, would you adjust the scale back three pounds to compensate for the floor adjustment, or would you change your starting weight to 3 lbs heavier so you're still at the same number of pounds lost, just a different number on the scale?

    It's going to get too confusing trying to figure out how many pounds I've lost going forward, so I feel like I need to do one or the other.

    Any other suggestions are welcome as well. :) I'd really appreciate your input. Thanks!

    Maybe weight loss isn't for you if you can't handle weight fluctuations, real or perceived. Do you wear a big sign that says how much you weigh? Do you look fatter? Can anyone else see the difference? The answer to all those questions is probably, "No". So it really makes no difference.

    OK, I'm asking a serious question here and I don't appreciate the comment that 'weight loss isn't for me'.

    I just want to keep things as consistent as possible to make sure that I'm on the right track. I'm not freaking out about the weight gain because, as I stated, I know that I haven't gained anything myself. I've been doing this since January. I'm not new to this. I've just encountered a new problem and I was asking for an opinion (hopefully from somebody who has experienced this before).
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    Thank you to the people who commented suggesting that I test the weight with an object of known weight. I have two 4 lb hand weights, and when I put it on the scale, it came up 8 lbs exactly. I guess I did gain 3 lbs during the move. Hopefully it's just water weight because I have seen inch loss during the past week.

    Thank you everyone!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    I recently moved and the floor here is different than my last place (from vinyl flooring to hardwood), and my scale is showing a 3 lb gain difference. I know I haven't gained 3 lbs because I checked the day before the move, and the day after the move.

    However, it's been about a week and the number is starting to drive me crazy. I know that I haven't gained weight, but seeing that number above the 140 mark is really ticking me off and demotivating me.

    It's an analog scale, so my question is...if you were in my position, would you adjust the scale back three pounds to compensate for the floor adjustment, or would you change your starting weight to 3 lbs heavier so you're still at the same number of pounds lost, just a different number on the scale?

    It's going to get too confusing trying to figure out how many pounds I've lost going forward, so I feel like I need to do one or the other.

    Any other suggestions are welcome as well. :) I'd really appreciate your input. Thanks!

    Maybe weight loss isn't for you if you can't handle weight fluctuations, real or perceived. Do you wear a big sign that says how much you weigh? Do you look fatter? Can anyone else see the difference? The answer to all those questions is probably, "No". So it really makes no difference.

    OK, I'm asking a serious question here and I don't appreciate the comment that 'weight loss isn't for me'.

    I just want to keep things as consistent as possible to make sure that I'm on the right track. I'm not freaking out about the weight gain because, as I stated, I know that I haven't gained anything myself. I've been doing this since January. I'm not new to this. I've just encountered a new problem and I was asking for an opinion (hopefully from somebody who has experienced this before).

    I am directly replying to this, "However, it's been about a week and the number is starting to drive me crazy. I know that I haven't gained weight, but seeing that number above the 140 mark is really ticking me off and demotivating me. "

    You KNOW it's wrong, but it still bothers you??? Makes no sense. You said it's analog, doesn't it have a little dial for you to adjust it so it reads what you want?

    Yes, it still bothered me because it wasn't consistent. Then I started to think maybe I actually had gained 3 lbs, and it demotivated me. I'm not perfect, and I doubt anybody on here is. This is a very difficult a complicated journey for us all and comments such as the one you made offer no assistance, but rather puts down others. It's unnecessary and not relevant to the question presented.

    Either way, the issue has been resolved.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I have nothing further to add that hasn't been said about different floors, but I wanted to point out that I totally understand how something as silly as being one pound above or below a landmark weight (140 in your case) DOES change motivation and make a difference. Some people are motivated by numbers and seeing change, some people are not. I happen to be someone who is, when I lose weight and see a change, I get momentum going and continue doing well, when I gain weight, I feel demotivated and find it hard to feel the same sense of accomplishment.

    That all being said, I agree with the person who said just set it back the 3lbs so you can keep your motivation going, even if it is mind games, it works. Also, keep going! You are doing awesome. :)
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    I am up 3lbs this morning, YES!!!

    It's called a dead horse, Pu. Let it go.